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ImageMagick Images Store Sources...

  mv logo.gif images/

Avatar Reduction (down to 60x60 pixels)
  convert avatar.gif -trim +repage \
          -bordercolor white -border 2 \
          -thumbnail 60x60 -gravity center -extent 60x60 \

Color Fill Test Image
  convert -size 100x60 xc:skyblue \
          -fill dodgerblue  -draw "ellipse  50,30 40,20 0,360" \
          -fill blue        -draw "circle   50,30 40,20" \
          -fill black       -draw "rectangle 0,28 99,32" \
          -fill royalblue   -draw "rectangle 48,0 52,59" \

Built-In Rose (general)
  convert rose: rose.gif
  convert rose: -colorspace Gray rose_grey.gif

Built-In Netscape (general)
  convert netscape: -scale 50% netscape.gif

Built-In Face (from logo) for Convolution Examples
  convert logo: -resize 50% -crop 80x80+150+60 +repage  face.png

Faerie Dragon (for annotations)
   convert ~/icons/dragons/dragon_faerie_orig.gif -resize 100x100  dragon.gif
   convert ~/icons/dragons/dragon_faerie_orig.gif -resize 75x75    dragon_sm.gif

Cyclops Drawing (for background removal)
   convert ~/icons/large/cyclops.gif  -resize x100 \
        -gravity center -crop 100x100+0+0 +repage cyclops.png
   convert ~/icons/large/cyclops.gif -blur 0x2 -resize 12% cyclops.gif

Koala  (distortion examples)
  source of image is unknown, but I think the koala was holding a kite.
  Ensure it is 75x75 pixels and has pure white and black colors
    convert {source} -crop 75x75+??+?? +repage \
            -channel RGB -contrast-stretch 0 koala.gif
    convert koala.gif -transparent white -transparent-color white \

#Golem from DQ  -- not used yet

Knight - RogueKight
  ( cd ~/store/images/monsters/dq/;
    ./ rogueknight.jpg miff:-;
  ) | convert - -trim +repage  -bordercolor white -border 1 \
          -matte -fill none -fuzz 80% \
          -draw 'matte 0,0 floodfill  matte 215,210 floodfill' \
          -resize 96x96 -gravity south -background none -extent 100x100 \

Pokemon - Azumarill on pink background (for reflections)
  convert ~/store/images/monsters/pokemon/azumarill.gif \
          -trim +repage -resize 60x60 \
          -gravity center -background pink -extent 64x64 \
          -roll +0+2 +repage  pokemon.gif

Terminal (small GIF image for resize examples)
   convert ~/icons/desc/std-cl/terminal_tiny.xpm \
           -trim +repage -compose Over -bordercolor white -border 2 \

Star (transparency GIF)
WARNING: be careful that one point color does not become transparent.
   convert ~/icons/desc/std-cl/star_rainbow.xpm -trim +repage \
           -background '#C0C0C0'  -transparent '#C0C0C0'  star.gif

Blue Bubble 32x32 Font (for numbers and letters)...
   cp ~/icons/prog/fonts/bubble_blue.xpm   font.xpm
   ../generate_font_chars --numbers

Small 32x32 image with transparency (and colored alpha index color)
   convert  ~/icons/desc/cl-32/hand_point.xpm  hand_point.gif

Small 32x32 images (for appending, mosacis, and animation examples)
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/eye2.xpm           eye.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/Network/news.xpm   news.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/weather_storm.xpm  storm.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/tree.xpm           tree.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/balloon.xpm        balloon.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/medical.xpm        medical.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/present.xpm        present.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/shading.xpm        shading.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/brush2.xpm         paint_brush.gif

With transparency
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/eyeguy.xpm         eyeguy.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/noseguy.xpm        noseguy.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/ghost.xpm          ghost.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/pencil.xpm         pencil.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/recycle.xpm        recycle.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/skull.xpm          skull.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/snowman.xpm        snowman.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/Games/puzzle2.xpm  jigsaw.gif
   convert  $HOME/icons/desc/cl-32/Games/chess4.xpm   knight.gif

Very Small Symbols Set (symbol dither pattern)
   convert \
      $HOME/icons/desc/bw-16/{abc,flag,shine,thumbs_up,golfball}.xbm \
      $HOME/icons/desc/bw-16/{glasses,eye2,bomb,magnify2,tick,info}.xbm \
      $HOME/icons/desc/bw-16/{lightning,paw,card_d*,apple,card_h*}.xbm \
A set of images for maps.
   convert \
      $HOME/icons/prog/map/misc/sea_*.xpm \
      $HOME/icons/prog/map/misc/{grass,forest}_small.xpm \
      $HOME/icons/prog/map/misc/jungle.xpm \

Frame image 40x40, for a 32x32 images
   convert  $HOME/icons/prog/frames/button.xpm        frame.gif

Fancy Corner (manually edited)
   convert $HOME/icons/prog/frames/corner_outline3.xbm  fancy_orig.gif
   Hand edit to for   fancy_add.gif  fancy_sub.gif

Watermark Dragon (mostly black and white, with transparent shape)
   convert ~/icons/dragons/dragon_water.gif -resize 40% wmark_image.png
   convert wmark_image.png -fill LightSteelBlue -draw 'color 0,0 reset' \
           wmark_image.png -composite  wmark_image.jpg

Sphinx (black and white watermark)
   convert ~/icons/desc/std/sphinx.xbm -matte \
           -bordercolor white -border 1 \
           -fill none -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill' \
           -trim +repage sphinx.gif
   composite -compose Dst_Over -tile pattern:checkerboard sphinx.gif x:

Large Scroll (for overlay bumbmap annotation)
   convert icons/large/map.gif -resize 30%  scroll.gif

Background Tiling
   cp ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/light/blue_rough.gif           bg.gif
   cp ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/display/weave-purple.gif       tile_weave.gif
   cp ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/display/colored_disks.jpg      tile_disks.jpg
   convert ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/medium/aqua.jpg -gamma 2  tile_aqua.jpg
   cp ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/medium/water.jpg               tile_water.jpg
   cp ~/icons/desc/cl-bgnd/medium/linen_blue.gif          tile_fabric.gif

Colormap images (for color quantization and replacement)
  convert ~/icons/local/colormap.xpm colormap.gif
  convert ~/icons/local/colortable.xpm colortable.gif

Image Error (for Compose Table Generation)
   composite -compose over -gravity center ~/icons/www/answer_bad.xpm \
             ~/icons/www/art.xpm  image_error.gif

Script O and K, drawn letter animations (complex overlay animation)
   Downloaded from WWW as a single "OK" animation "script_ok_orig.gif"
   and separated into letters for example: time-wise appending of animations
   Heavily modified and improved, both programmically and by hand.

List Operator Test Image (all list_test checks should produce this image)
   convert eye.gif news.gif  storm.gif  +append  list_test.gif

Miscellanious Animations

  smoke_skull_anim.gif  (croped to 100x100)
    gif_anim_montage x2 smoke_skull_anim.gif smoke_skull_frames.gif

  bunny_anim.gif bunny_grass.gif
    gif_anim_montage bunny_anim.gif bunny_frames.gif

  convert dl_world_orig.gif -coalesce -fill gray  \
          -draw 'color 0,0 floodfill'  -deconstruct +map dl_world.gif
  gif_anim_montage dl_world.gif dl_world_frames.gif

Generated or Contributed by Anthony Thyssen

Special Dither Patterns
   dpat_hlines.gif    dpat_2x2x7.gif

Download from Net

Linux Hatching (Large JPG Picture, with comment)...
  for photo and thumbnail handling
    wrjpgcom -replace -comment 'Hatching of Linux' \
             ~/store/images/linux/Hatching_1600.jpg > hatching.jpg
    convert hatching.jpg -thumbnail 320x320 hatching_sm.jpg

ColorWheel PNG (Orig)
    convert -filter box colorwheel_orig.png -resize 128x128 colorwheel.png

Contributed by Others

Background Overlay Removal (for overlay extraction)
   Downloaded from Jesper Eije <>
     convert \
         -crop 100x125+270+160 +repage bgnd.png
     convert \
         -crop 100x125+270+160 +repage bgnd_overlaid.png

Piglet from RubbleWeb
  This has a thick patchy black outline for testing cartoon edge detection

Badly split GIF Animation
  The original "bag_left.gif" and "bad_right.gif" images donated by
  "gmabrys" on the IM forums (u=8005).  Image modified to include some basic
  frame optimization.

Plane AVI  (plane flying over animation)
   Benoit Rouleau"

   Complex Animation of the swirl distortion, see "STORE/swirl_video.txt"
   Florent Monnier <>

   Provided by Micheal slate, with the images blackthin_top.gif and
   blackthin_bottom.gif extracted from and modified to be the same width.
   used in thumbnail tiled edge framing.
