- Seattle
- https://imgbot.net
A bird's eye view of Digital Projects at the City of Austin
The React Native website and docs
Source code for the Portable Antiquities Scheme website and database
A comprehensive research, bidding, and matching system to match Foreign Service employees with the right skills to available posts and positions. API Layer - https://github.com/USStateDept/State-Ta…
A vanilla Javascript countdown to the spookiest day of the year.
USLI website for NASA deliverables
Website source code for Composites Collective
Datenstrom Yellow is for people who make small websites.
🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby
Erlang + ClojureScript app to send holiday reminders
🎨 Simplistic, responsive jekyll based open source theme
The Artsy Engineering Open-Source Developers Blog
🔦 Discover the open source ecosystem related to the Dominican Republic!