A Discord bot made mainly with Discord.js made for Desciclopédia (Uncyclopedia) you may want to see it working on Repl.It.
Im not going to translate this bot, but feel free to modify or copy the functions inside cmd folder.
Option | Description |
help | send help |
diga | say a message |
minha-pica | based on Dank Memer's pls penis |
meme | send a meme |
xvideos | advanced xvideos search tool |
reddit randomized search tool | |
color | change embeds color |
prefix | change prefix |
regras | add rules |
castigar | mute a user on text channels |
descastigar | unmute a user on text channels |
kick | kick a user |
ban | bans a user |
tempban | temporarily bans a user |
config | settings and services |
All files from this project are licensed by GPL-V3.