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librealsense2 API

File-System Structure

Under librealsense2 folder you will find two subfolers:

  • h - Contains headers for the C language
  • hpp - Contains headers for the C++ language, depends on C headers

In addition, you can include <librealsense2/rs.h> and <librealsense2/rs.hpp> to get most of SDK functionality in C and C++ respectively.

<librealsense2/rs_advanced_mode.h> and <librealsense2/rs_advanced_mode.hpp> can be included to get the extra Advanced Mode functionality (in C and C++ respectively).

<librealsense2/rsutil.h> contains mathematical helper functions for projection of 2D points into 3D space and back.

Files and Classes

For full up-to-date class documentation see Doxygen class-list

This file contains common functionality like the exception types. See Error Handling

Class Description
error Common base-class for all exceptions thrown from the SDK
recoverable_error Base class for all recorverable (in software) errors
unrecoverable_error Base class for non-recoverable errors
camera_disconnected_error Camera Disconnected error
backend_error Error from the underlying OS-specific driver
device_in_recovery_mode_error Device requires firmware update
invalid_value_error Invalid input was passed to a function
wrong_api_call_sequence_error Methods were called in wrong order
not_implemented_error Functionality is not available error

Context can be used to enumerate and iterate over connected device, and also get notifications of device events.

Class Description
context Context serve as a factory for all SDK devices
device_hub Helper class that simplifies handling device change events
event_information Information about device change

This file defines the concept of RealSense device.

Class Description
device Encapsulates Intel RealSense device
device_list Wrapper around list of devices
debug_protocol Debug-extension that allows to send data directly to the firmware

The SDK offers many types of post-processing in form of the Processing Blocks. These primitives can be pipelined using queues and configured using options.

Class Description
syncer Processing block that accepts frames one-by-one and outputs coherent framesets
frame_queue Basic primitive abstracting a concurrent queue of frames
processing_block Base class for frame processing functions
pointcloud Processing block that accepts depth and texture frames and outputs 3D points with texture coordinates
asynchronous_syncer Non-blocking version of the syncher processing block
align Processing block that accepts frames from different viewports and generates new synthetic frames from a single given viewport
colorizer Processing block that accepts depth frames in Z16 format and outputs depth frames in RGB format, applying some depth coloring
decimation_filter Processing block that intelligently reduces the resolution of a depth frame
temporal_filter Processing block that filters depth data by looking into previous frames
spatial_filter Processing block that applies edge-preserving smoothing of depth data

RealSense devices contain sensors. Sensors are units of streaming, each sensor can be controlled individually.

Class Description
sensor Base class for all supported sensors
roi_sensor Sensor that has the ability to focus on a given ROI
notification Asynchronious message that can be passed to the application
depth_sensor Sensor that can provide depth frames

The output of sensors are frames. There are different kinds of frames, not all video frames.

Class Description
frame Base class for all frames
points Set of 3D points with texture coordinates
video_frame 2D image (with width, height and bpp)
depth_frame Depth frame
frameset A set of frames
stream_profile Base class for sensor configuration
video_stream_profile Video stream configuration

Pipeline is a high-level primitive combining several sensors and processing steps into one simple API.

Class Description
pipeline High level data-processor combining several sensors, queues and processing blocks
pipeline_profile Selected pipeline configuration
config Desired pipeline configuration

This file adds playback and record capability using ROS-bag files. See src/media

Class Description
playback Device that mimics live device from given input file
recorder Device that records live device into an output file

This file is not intented to be included by SDK users, but rather is used in SDK unit-tests. It allows to record everything that will happen in a specific test into a file and later use that file for dependency injection.