This Python package implements a "gate" for the Streamlit app that will only allow the app to proceed once the user authenticates via OAuth to a configured OAuth provider.
Simply include the component at the top of the Streamlit app, such as
import streamlit as st
from st_oauth import st_oauth
st.markdown("## This (and above) is always seen")
id = st_oauth()
st.markdown("## This (and below) is only seen after authentication")
The token is stored in Streamlit session state and is validated on each re-run of the Streamlit. If the token is expired, it is cleared from the session state and the user is prompted to reauthenticate. There is also an option to logout (a logout button is placed in the sidebar).
You can install directly from github with this command:
pip install git+
Note that python 3.8 is the only supported python version currently.
To install directly from github via pipenv, use:
pipenv install git+
This package adds an OAuth component that will not allow the app to
continue until the user authenticates via OAuth. The call to st_oauth()
will return the value in the OAuth token that contains the identity
or upn
, as configured).
The st_oauth()
function takes 2 optional parameters: config
and label
The label
is the text to use in the link presented to log in. By default,
the label is Login via OAuth
The st_oauth()
function also needs a configuration dictionary to function.
The necessary fields of the function are:
- the URL to use to get an authorization codetoken_endpoint
- the URL to use to trade an authorization code for a tokenjwks_uri
- the URL to use to retrieve the JWKS signing key for the tokensredirect_uri
- the URL that is configured in the OAuth provider as the redirect URL (it should be the URL of the Streamlit app itself)client_id
- the client ID, as configured in the OAuth providerclient_secret
- the client secret for the client ID, as configured in the OAuth providerscope
- the OAuth scope to use, as configured in the OAuth provideraudience
- (optional) the audience as configured in the OAuth provideridentity_field_in_token
- (optional) which field in the returned token that contains the identity (usually it issub
). This is the field that will be returned from thest_oauth()
call. If unset or not found in the token,OK
will be returned.
If st_oauth()
is called without a config
parameter, it will look for the
configuration parameters in the secrets file (st.secrets
) using the default
name oauth
id = st_oauth()
The .streamlit/secrets.toml
file would look something like this:
authorization_endpoint = "<OAUTH AUTH ENDPOINT usually ending in /v1/authorize>"
token_endpoint = "<OAUTH TOKEN ENDPOINT usually ending in /v1/token>"
jwks_uri = "<OAUTH JWKS ENDPOINT>"
redirect_uri = "<REDIRECT URI - this Streamlit's location>"
client_id = "<OAUTH CLIENT ID>"
client_secret = "<OAUTH CLIENT SECRET>"
scope = "<OAUTH SCOPE>"
audience = "<OAUTH AUDIENCE>"
identity_field_in_token = "<OAUTH TOKEN ID FIELD - sub or upn>"
If st_oauth()
is called with a string valued config
parameter, it will look for the
configuration parameters in the secrets file (st.secrets
) using the supplied name.
id = st_oauth('my_oauth')
The .streamlit/secrets.toml
file would look something like this:
authorization_endpoint = "<OAUTH AUTH ENDPOINT usually ending in /v1/authorize>"
If st_oauth()
is called with a dictionary for the config
it will use those as the parameter values.
oauth_params = {'authorization_enddpoint': ...} # Or any way to create the dictionary
id = st_oauth(oauth_params)
A sample configuration with Google OAuth looks like this
authorization_endpoint = ""
token_endpoint = ""
jwks_uri = ""
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8501"
scope = "email profile"
identity_field_in_token = "sub"
This component supports multipage Streamlit apps. Just include
the call to st_oauth()
at the top of every page. If
the user is not logged in, they will be presented with the login
link. Once authenticated, they will return to the main page of the
Streamlit app.
Consult the documentation for your OAuth provider on how to create a new
application integration for st_oauth
If you do need to test to see if the session is already cached, you can test it yourself directly:
if st_oauth._STKEY in st.session_state: