UGR + Raku
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Starred repositories
fernand0 / personalAggregator
Forked from sharu725/cardsA bootstrap based minimal jekyll theme
audreyt / public-ai
Forked from manymodels/public-aiThe public AI website
Action that checks whether the body or diff in a PR contains a certain word.
YuLab-SMU / scholar
Forked from jkeirstead/scholarAnalyse citation data from Google Scholar
Action that checks whether the body or diff in a PR contains a certain word.
keerthanpg / talktopapers
Forked from nuwandavek/talktopapersA CLI app for visualizing how React components are structured in a project.
kenorb-contrib / tg
Forked from vysheng/tg`telegram-cli` for Telegram IM
shoniko / PySyft
Forked from OpenMined/PySyftA library for answering questions using data you cannot see
JJ / proyecto-idiomas
Forked from irenecj/proyecto-idiomasRepositorio para el proyecto de la asignatura Infraestructura Virtual de la UGR. 20/21
Render Perl6 Pod as Markdown
hankache / perl6-Imlib2
Forked from mrhdias/perl6-Imlib2Raku interface to the Imlib2 image library.
Forked from ALANVF/P6TKA library that lets you use Tk in Perl 6
A pure-Perl6 Perl 6 parser - this will be rolled back into Perl6::Parser when it's ready.
fjbaldan / PracticasCC
Forked from manuparra/PracticasCCGuión de prácticas de Cloud Computing - Máster en Ingeniería Informática - www.ugr.es
raydiak / Math--ThreeD
Forked from japhb/Math--ThreeDA simple 3D library for Perl 6
xxHash bindings for Raku
JJ / jasyp_c4p
Forked from Interferencias/jasyp_c4pAplicación para gestionar las solicitudes para las JASYP
cristinafsanz / notas-git
Forked from oslugr/curso-git✍️ Notas del libro Aprende Git y, de camino, GitHub (Juan Julián Merelo y Ángel Pablo Hinojosa)
Django Cerberus Access Control, extended permission system.
neilb / IO-Tee
Forked from gitpan/IO-TeeRead-only release history for IO-Tee
PhoenixAlx / Recruiteitor
Forked from oslugr/polleitorSistema cliente-servidor derivado de polleitor para evaluar candidatos
data-skeptic / CausalImpact
Forked from kjblakemore/CausalImpactCausal impact of current events on Wikipedia page views.
cloudius-systems / osv-apps
Forked from tgrabiec/osv-appsOSv Applications
terceranexus6 / anypixel
Forked from googlecreativelab/anypixelA web-friendly way for anyone to build unusual displays
Juego para la Granada GameJam del equipo CODA Masters
xpat / hoborg
Forked from JJ/hoborgA dieselpunk novel with Spanish-created robot hobos in a balcanized America at the beginning of the XX century