allows users to run recipes against thousands of Open Source Software projects. This repository contains a comma separated value (CSV) file of repositories to ingest into Moderne on a daily basis.
Open this workflow and introduce the GitHub username or organization that you would like to add in our Moderne public tenant.
This will create a pull request with all the Java repositories entries. Feel free to change the entries you want to remove or customize.
It is important to validate if those repositories are using a Maven or Gradle wrapper, because if they are not, it could be that: (1) they are not using a build tool and they need to be skipped, or (2) it is necessary to select the specific Maven or Gradle versions tools installed in our Jenkins instance.
After the pull request is merged, a new process to update our Jenkins instance will be triggered.
See the next section to understand the columns and accepted values.
The CSV file can use an optional header row.
The columns are defined as follows:
Column | Required | Notes |
scmHost | Optional | Repository host such as , or enterprise hosts. Defaults to . |
repoName | Required | Repository path with form organization/name , i.e. google/guava . |
repoBranch | Optional | Git branch name to ingest. Defaults to main . |
mavenTool | Optional | Name of the Maven Global Tool Configuration to use. Defaults to maven , which corresponds to 3.3.8. Other values are maven3.x (3.8.6) and maven3.3.9 |
gradleTool | Optional | Name of the Gradle Global Tool Configuration to use. Defaults to gradle , which corresponds to 7.6.1. Other values are gradle 7.4.2 |
jdkTool | Optional | Name of the JDK Global Tool Configuration to use. If there are no values, is java8 . |
repoStyle | Optional | Name of the OpenRewrite style to apply during ingest. Defaults to empty. |
repoBuildAction | Optional | Additional build tool tasks/targets to execute before ingestion goal. Defaults to empty. |
repoSkip | Optional | Use 'TRUE' to omit ingest job creation for the CSV row. Defaults to empty. |
skipReason | Optional | Reason a job is set to skip. |
The Jenkins ingestion jobs are created from repos.csv
by running the moderne-cli command moderne-cli connect jenkins
either on a local machine, or through GitHub Actions on the moderne-cli
Ingestion can optionally use a Maven settings file to configure authentication for private repositories.
An example of which is given in maven/ingest-settings.xml
This file should be configured in Jenkins master through Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Maven Configuration
To add a repository to the ingestion process, add a row to repos.csv
with the repository name and branch.
$ ./ openrewrite
Then trigger a manual run of to create the Jenkins jobs, potentially with a prefix filter. After the jobs have run once, you might want to update or skip failed jobs through the parser.