The OpenSSF Vulnerability Disclosures Working Group seeks to help improve the overall security of the open source software ecosystem by helping mature and advocate well-managed vulnerability reporting and communication.
The OpenSSF Vulnerability Disclosures Working Group seeks to help improve the overall security of the open source software ecosystem by helping develop and advocate well-managed vulnerability reporting and communication. We plan on addressing this challenge through the following actions:
Documenting and promoting reasonable vulnerability disclosure and coordination practices within the OSS ecosystem for component maintainers and community members by providing documented standards and educational materials.
Identifying vulnerability disclosure pain points for OSS maintainer, consumers, and security researchers and take steps to address them.
Facilitate the development and adoption of a standards-based OSS Vulnerability Exchange that uses existing industry formats and allows OSS projects of all sizes to be able to report, share, and learn about vulnerabilities within OSS components.
Guide to coordinated vulnerability disclosure for open source software projects to assist projects in handling vulnerabilities.
Open Source Vulnerability Schema - see also
OpenSSF Recommendations for Open Source Software Vulnerability Disclosure Whitepaper (incubating) - a draft longer paper on various related topics
Unified list of metadata for vulnerability reports and disclosures
Recent Update to OSSF TAC on WG activities
We communicate on the Vulnerability Disclosure mailing list. Manage your subscriptions to Open SSF mailing lists.
Join us on Slack at
The working group meets every two weeks, on Wednesdays at 11:00 AM ET / 8:00 AM PT. Currently we are using Zoom for working group meetings. The invite is available on the OpenSSF Community Calendar.
The Working Group will hold a monthly APAC-friendly call at 6:00pm ET / 3:00pm PT the last Thursday of each month. The invite is available on the OpenSSF Community Calendar.
We use the vulnerability-disclosures-wg GitHub team.
The outlines the scope and governance of our group activities.
- Lead - Christopher "CRob" Robinson
- Co-Lead -
- Crystal Hazen, HackerOne
- Jonathan Leitschuh, Dan Kaminsky Fellowship - HUMAN
- Madison Oliver, GitHub Security Lab
- VM Brasseur, WiPro
- Jennifer Mitchell, Tidelift
- David A Wheeler, LF/OSSF
- Randall T. Vasquez, Gentoo
- Yotam Perkal, Rezilion
- Eric Hatleback, CERT/CC
- Kayla Underkoffler, HackerOne
- Francis Perron, Google
- Nathan Menhorn, AMD
- Eric Tice, Wipro
- MegaZone, F5
- Jason Keirstead, IBM
- Paulo Flabiano Smorigo, Ubuntu/Canonical
- Jeffrey Borek, IBM
- Jennifer Fernick, NCC Group
- Sandipan Roy, RedHat
- Yogesh Mittal, Red Hat
A listing of our current and past group members.
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