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File metadata and controls

175 lines (119 loc) · 12.1 KB

Core Concepts


React-Static is different from most React-based static-site generators. It follows a very natural flow from data all the way to static files, then finally a progressively enhanced react-app. Not only does this provide a handy separation of concern between data and templates, but by keeping the two as separate as possible, your site can be visualized and built in a single pass as a "function of state" from the data you pass it, just like React!

Dev Stage

  1. All of the data your site needs to render is gathered up-front in your static.config.js by any means you want. This data can come from markdown files, headless CMSs, graphql endpoints, etc. The data is compiled during the build stage.
  2. Pages are defined by files that export a single React component that is rendered when required. Any files in the pages folder will automatically routed.
  3. You can also provide a static route for your data and specify the file containing the page Component.
  4. Using React-Static's components like RouteProps and SiteProps you can access the data for each route and use it to render your site! You can also use HOC versions of those components if you wish.
  5. React-Static can then export every page in your site with tenacious speed and accuracy.

Client Stage

  1. On a fresh page load of a React Static site, only the bare minimum of assets are downloaded to show the content as quickly as possible. This includes the page specific HTML and any extracted CSS that were exported at build time.
  2. Any data that was required synchronously for the route is extracted out of the HTML.
  3. React invisibly mounts your app onto the existing HTML.
  4. The rest of the website is optimistically preloaded and cached as navigation happens, making each navigation event seemingly instantaneous.

Flow Chart

Code and Data Splitting

React Static also has a very unique and amazing way of requesting the least amount of data to display any given page at just the right moment. React splits code and data based on these factors:

  • Route Templates - Under the hood, React Static automatically code splits your route templates for you. Other than listing your routes in your static.config.js, you don't have to do anything else! Magic!
  • Route Data - Each route's getData function results in a separate data file for each route being stored as JSON next to the routes HTML on export. This covers the 90% use case for data splitting, but if you want even more control and want to optimize repeated data across routes, you can use the sharedData and createSharedData api explained below.
  • Site Data - For data that is needed in every (or most) routes, you can pass it in the config.getSiteData function and make it accessible to any page in your entire site!.
  • Manual Code Splitting with Universal - React Static comes built in with support for react-universal-component. This means aside from the automatic code splitting that React Static offers, you can also manually code split very large components if you choose to do so. See the "About" page in the dynamic-imports example to see how it works and how easy it is!

Shared Route Data (Advanced)

Most projects don't need shared route data. There are edge cases where it won't make sense to put the same piece of data in every route if it doesn't change, but at the same time that data isn't needed on every page. To solve this issue, you can use the shared route data api to share a single piece of data between many routes with only a single JSON file.

See an example

Writing universal, "node-safe" code

Because React-Static code is both used in the browser and node (during build), it's very, very important that ALL your code be "universal" or in other words "node safe". Most of us are used to writing javascript from the browser's perspective, so there are some things to watch out for:

  • Check before using window, document or browser only APIs. Since these objects do not technically exist in the node environment, make sure you check that they exist before attempting to use them. The easiest way to do this is to keep code that relies on them in componentDidMount or inside a condition, eg.
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  // use document
  • Ensure any external libraries that rely on window, document or browser specific APIs are not imported in the node environment. Not all libraries that use these objects require them immediately, but some of them do. If you encounter one of these libraries, you'll see it error when you attempt to build your site for production. To fix these errors, you can stub and require the library conditionally:
let CoolLibrary = {} // you can stub it to whatever you need to to make it run in node.
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  CoolLibrary = require('cool-library').default

Environment Variables

During your adventures, you may need to access specific environment variables. The following environment variables are available across all of react-static, including your app:

  • process.env.REACT_STATIC_ENV can equal one of:
    • production - the environment is being built via webpack for production
    • development - the environment is being built via webpack for development
    • node - the environment is being built via node for SSR

Building your site for production

Before you deploy your site to production, we suggest doing a few things:

  • Enter a siteRoot in your static.config.js. A siteRoot allows React Static to optimize your assets and links for an absolute location. It also allows your site to function normally if you happen to host it in a non-root location like
  • Test your build locally. To do this, you can run react-static build --staging. This will build a production version of your site that is still able to run normally on localhost.
  • If you find any bugs in production, you can turn off code uglification by also adding the --debug flag to your build command. This may help you track down any bugs.

Once you're ready to build, run the react-static build command to kick off a production build. The production files will be located in the dist directory (or the custom dist directory you've defined). Simply upload the contents of this directory to your host!

Continuous Integration

If your static site has static content that is changing often, you may want to set up continuous integration through some sort of service. The most common pairing you'll see is using Netlify with a linked Github repo. This allows your site to automatically rebuild whenever your code changes. How nice! If you have some type of custom hosting solution, you could also look into using Travis CI to build and deploy your site to a custom location. The possibilities are endless!


Deploying a static site has never been easier on today's internet! There are so many solutions where you can host static files for very cheap, sometimes even for free. This is, in fact, one of the great benefits to hosting a static site: there is no server to maintain and scalability is less of a problem. Here is a list of static-site hosting solutions we recommend:

Using a CMS

A content management system (CMS) can greatly increase your ability to organize and contribute. At React Static, we love using GraphCMS, Contentful and Netlify CMS, but you can always visit (built with React Static 😉) for help on picking the best one for you!

Rebuilding your site with Webhooks

If you choose to use a CMS, you're probably going to ask yourself, "How will my site rebuild when content in my CMS changes?" The answer is webhooks! Most if not all modern CMSs provide webhooks. These are simply URLs that get pinged when something changes in the CMS. These could be any URL, but are used most productively when they are hooked up to a continuous integration or hosting service to achieve automatic rebuilds when anything in your CMS changes.


404 Handling

Making a 404 page in React Static is extremely simple, but depending on your server can be served a few different ways:

  • Place a 404.js react component in the pages directory. No configuration necessary!
  • Define a route with the following:
  path: '404',
  component: 'path/to/your/404/component.js'

How is the 404 component used?

  • Your 404 component is exported to a root level 404.html file at build time. Most servers will automatically use this for routes that don't exist.
  • If the <Routes /> component is rendered on a route with no matching static route or template, the 404 component will be displayed.

Dynamic Routing

Sometimes you may want to handle routes (including sub-routes) that should not be statically rendered. In that case, you can treat Routes like any other component and only render if when no dynamic routes are matched. This can be seen in the Dynamic Routes with Reach Router Guide, but should be possible with just about any client side react router.

Webpack Customization and Plugins

React-Static ships with a wonderful default webpack config, carefully tailored for react development. It should support a majority of use-cases on its own. But, in the case you do need to modify the webpack configuration, you can create a node.api.js file in your project and use the handy webpack API to extend it!


Please see our Pagination Guide!

Browser Support

React-Static dually relies on lowest common browser support between React itself and your choice of Babel polyfills.

  • All latest versions of modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) are supported out of the box.
  • Internet Explorer is supported, but requires using babel-polyfill to work (mainly relying on the Promise polyfill)

To extend static.config.js for compatibility with Internet Explorer, first install babel-polyfill: yarn add babel-polyfill

Then add the following webpack object to the default export of static.config.js to extend the existing webpack configuration:

webpack: (config, { stage }) => {
  if (stage === 'prod') {
    config.entry = ['babel-polyfill', config.entry]
  } else if (stage === 'dev') {
    config.entry = ['babel-polyfill', ...config.entry]
  return config