Releases: Janusec/janusec
v1.5.2 features:
- open source for GSLB, Cookie Management
- optimize WAF rules, but will not affect legacy installation, if you would like to test it, remove all legacy rules at first, download JANUSEC_WAF_rules_1.5.2.json and import it.
- update all dependency packages to fix vulnerabilities report by github.
- adjust timeout to 60s.
- fix deletion destinations or domains of an application.
Notice 1:
If you have previously enabled Dingtalk OAuth2 authentication and version < 1.5.0 , the following changes need to be made when upgrading to this version:
- In the global settings interface of the gateway, configure the CorpId parameter, which can be obtained from the Dingtalk development platform.
- In Dingtalk development platform, upgrade the application and release a version of it.
- Under privilege management of Dingtalk development platform, grant all users the privilege of reading the personal information address book (通讯录个人信息读权限).
Notice 2:
the releases with suffix -pro.tar.gz are professional edition (close source).
Quick Start:
- Upgrade Dingtalk OAuth2 to new SDK version.
- Optimize offline detection.
- Adjust default max_count threshold for CC detection, from 6 to 15.
Notice: If you have previously enabled Dingtalk OAuth2 authentication, the following changes need to be made when upgrading to this version:
- In the global settings interface of the gateway, configure the CorpId parameter, which can be obtained from the Dingtalk development platform.
- In Dingtalk development platform, upgrade the application and release a version of it.
- Under privilege management of Dingtalk development platform, grant all users the privilege of reading the personal information address book (通讯录个人信息读权限).
v1.4.2 with fix4
- add custom headers for web applications, and let custom 5-second shields and WAF templates instantly effective.
- fix creation of new web applicaiton.
- fix duplicate destinations for application.
- fix save passwd for new user and clickable area for menu.
- fix language switch under settings and add WAF/CC logs for all applicaitons.
Note: the releases with suffix -pro.tar.gz
are professional edition (close source).
v1.4.2 with fix3
- add custom headers for web applications, and let custom 5-second shields and WAF templates instantly effective.
- fix creation of new web applicaiton.
- fix duplicate destinations for application.
- fix save passwd for new user and clickable area for menu.
- add custom headers for web applications, and let custom 5-second shields and WAF templates instantly effective.
- fix creation of new web applicaiton.
- fix duplicate destinations for application.
- add custom headers for web applications, and let custom 5-second shields and WAF templates instantly effective.
- fix creation of new web applicaiton.
Add SQLite support, now it support PostgreSQL 10/11/12/13+ and SQLite3.
Add API Interface and introduction for external control panels.
Add custom block html for WAF.
Add tenant id to data discovery.
Fix WAF/CC logs, CC update, certificate expire time, domain name in upper case, captcha confirm id escape and OAuth user privileges for v1.4.0.
Add SQLite support, now it support PostgreSQL 10/11/12/13+ and SQLite3.
Add API Interface and introduction for external control panels.
Add custom block html for WAF.
Add tenant id to data discovery.
Fix WAF/CC logs, CC update, certificate expire time, domain name in upper case and captcha confirm id escape for v1.4.0.