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Plain And Direct Language Additions for Java

What is it?

PADLA is a collection of useful general-purpose utilities for Java aimed at fulfilling common needs. It uses functional approach intensively and attempts to follow OOP-approach as right as possible. In addition to common tools, it does also provide more specific ones aimed at maximal productivity.


As its dependencies PADLA uses:

  • Compiletime:
  • Testing:
    • Junit5 with related sub-tools for testing
    • Hamcrest for more creating more readable tests
    • Mockito for mocking in tests
  • Additional (these are not inherited by default and are required only if using specific classes):
    • ASM for runtime class generation (if using classes annotated with @UsesBytecodeModification(CommonBytecodeLibrary.ASM))
    • Javassist for runtime class generation (if using classes annotated with @UsesBytecodeModification(CommonBytecodeLibrary.JAVASSIST))
  • Optional (these are not required at all but allow some extra integrations and optimizations):
    • Caffeine for caching of internal components

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


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Areg Yazychyan

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Daniil Sudomoin

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Yaroslav Bolyukin

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πŸš‡ πŸ‘€

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!