Find your GitHub Actions usage across a given organisation (or user account).
Includes total runtime of all workflow runs and workflow jobs, including where the jobs were run within inclusive, free, billed minutes, or on self-hosted runners.
This data is not available within a single endpoint in GitHub's REST or GraphQL APIs, so many different API calls are necessary to build up the usage statistics.
repos = ListRepos(organisation)
for each Repo
for each WorkflowRun
jobs = ListWorkflowJobs(WorkflowRun)
If your team has hundreds of repositories, or thousands of builds per month, then the tool may exit early due to exceeding the API rate-limit. In this case, we suggest you run with --days=10
and multiply the value by 3 to get a rough picture of 30-day usage.
This tool is primarily designed for use with an organisation, however you can also use it with a regular user account by changing the --org
flag to --user
Or create a Classic Token with: repo and admin:org and save it to ~/pat.txt. Create a short lived duration for good measure.
Download a binary from the releases page
actions-usage --org openfaas --token $(cat ~/pat.txt)
Fetching last 30 days of data (created>=2023-01-29)
Total repos: 45
Total private repos: 0
Total public repos: 45
Total workflow runs: 95
Total workflow jobs: 113
Total usage: 6h16m16s (376 mins)
As a user:
actions-usage --user alexellis --token $(cat ~/pat.txt)
All changes must be proposed with an Issue prior to working on them or sending a PR. Commits must have a sign-off message, i.e. git commit -s
git clone
cd actions-usage
go run . --org actuated-samples --token $(cat ~/pat.txt)
This tool was created as part of by OpenFaaS Ltd.