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Networking Trifecta Demo

Blog Post: Terraform Networking Trifecta

All the modules in this project have been published to the Terraform Cloud Public Registry and used in this demo.


Using the latest Terraform (v1.3+) and AWS Provider (v4.20.0+) to route between 3 VPCs with different IPv4 CIDR ranges (RFC 1918) using a Transit Gateway AKA a hub spoke topology.

  • App VPC Tier: (Class A Private Internet)
  • CICD VPC Tier: (Class B Private Internet)
  • General VPC Tier: (Class C Private Internet)

Example VPC-NG architecture subnets: vpc-ng

The resulting architecture is a hub spoke topology (zoom out): tnt




The modules build resources that will cost some money but should be minimal for the demo. (ie NATGW, EIP, TGW)

Even though you can delete subnets in a VPC, remember that the NAT Gateways get created in the public subnets labeled as special for the AZ and is used for VPC attachments when passed to a Centralized Router.

No overlapping CIDR detection or validation since the AWS provider will take care of that.

When modifying an AZ or VPCs in an existing configuration with a TGW Centralized Router:

  • Adding an AZ or VPC.
    • The VPCs must be applied first.
    • Then apply Intra Security Groups Rules and TGW Centralized Router.
  • Removing
    • An AZ being removed must have it's (special) public subnet for the AZ manually removed (modified) from the TGW VPC attachment then wait until state goes from Modifying to Available before applying (destroying) the AZ.
    • A VPC being removed must have it's TGW attachment manually deleted then wait until state goes from Deleting to Deleted before applying (destroying) the VPC.
      • Then apply Centralized Router to clean up routes in other VPCs that were pointing to the VPC that was deleted.
        • Terraform should detect the manually deleted resources for vpc attachment, route table assocition, route propagation, etc and remove them from state.
      • Then apply Intra VPC Security Group Rule to clean up SG Rules for the deleted VPC.
    • Full teardown (destroy) works fine.

Trifecta Demo Time

This will be a demo of the following:

  • Configure us-west-2a and us-west-2b AZs in app VPC -
    • Launch app-public instance in public subnet.
  • Configure us-west-2b AZ with NATGW in cicd VPC -
    • Launch cicd-private instance in private subnet.
  • Configure us-west-2c AZ in general VPC -
    • Launch general-private instance in private subnet.
  • Configure security groups for access across VPCs.
    • Allow ssh and ping.
  • Configure routing between all public and private subnets accross VPCs via TGW.
  • Verify connectivity with t2.micro EC2 instances.
  • Minimal assembly required.


  • git
  • curl
  • Terraform 1.3.0+
  • Pre-configured AWS credentials
    • An AWS EC2 Key Pair should already exist in the us-west-2 region and the private key should have user read only permissions.
      • private key saved as ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pem on local machine.
      • must be user read only permssions chmod 400 ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pem

Assemble the Trifecta by cloning the Networking Trifecta Demo repo.

$ git clone
$ cd networking_trifecta_demo

Update the var.base_ec2_instance_attributes.key_name in with the EC2 key pair name you're using for the us-west-2 region (see pre-requisites above).

Note: the AMI used is lookedup via data source

# snippet
variable "base_ec2_instance_attributes" {
  default = {
    key_name      = "my-ec2-key"            # EC2 key pair name to use when launching an instance
    instance_type = "t2.micro"

The VPCs must be applied first:

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply -target module.vpcs

Now we'll:

  • Build security groups rules to allow ssh and ping across VPCs.
  • Launch instances in each enabled AZ for all VPCs.
  • Route between VPCs via TGW.
$ terraform apply -target module.intra_vpc_security_group_rules -target aws_instance.instances -target module.centralized_router

Once the apply is complete, it will take 1-2 minutes for the TGW routing to fully propagate.

Verify Connectivity Between VPCs

$ chmod u+x ./scripts/
$ ./scripts/

Example output:

# module.vpcs["app"].aws_vpc.this
    default_security_group_id =  "sg-12345678"

# aws_instance.instances["app-public"]
    private_ip                           = ""
    public_ip                            = ""

# aws_instance.instances["general-private"]
    private_ip                           = ""

# aws_instance.instances["cicd-private"]
    private_ip                           = ""

# My Public IP

# If you have awscli configured follow the instructions below otherwise you have to do it manually in the AWS console
# AWS CLI Command to copy ("q" to exit returned output):

aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --region us-west-2 --group-id  "sg-12345678" --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr XX.XX.XX.XX/32

Run the awscli command from the output above to add an inbound ssh rule from "My Public IP" to the default security group id of the App VPC.

Next, ssh to the app-public instance public IP (ie using the EC2 key pair private key.

Then, ssh to the private_ip of the general-private instance, then ssh to cicd-private, then ssh back to app-public.

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ec2-key.pem -A ec2-user@

[ec2-user@app-public ~]$ ping # works! via igw
[ec2-user@app-public ~]$ ping # works! via tgw
[ec2-user@app-public ~]$ ssh

[ec2-user@general-private ~]$ ping # doesn't work! no natgw
[ec2-user@general-private ~]$ ping # works! via tgw
[ec2-user@general-private ~]$ ssh

[ec2-user@cicd-private ~]$ ping # works! via natgw
[ec2-user@cicd-private ~]$ ping # works! via tgw
[ec2-user@cicd-private ~]$ ssh

[ec2-user@app-public ~]$

🔻 Trifecta Complete!!!

Clean Up

$ terraform destroy