issues Search Results · repo:JuliaCrypto/Nettle.jl language:Julia
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inJuliaCrypto/Nettle.jl (press backspace or delete to remove)Revising the code I noticed that names are saved as AbstractString. Not that it matters much performance-wise, since
everything is done in the C-callee, but maybe it is unnecessary, and they could be plain ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 22, 2022
- #113
I see the repo has been stable for a year and the number of stars is not too bad. Is there anything holding back a v1.0
It would display a very good image of the maturity and stability ...
- 3
- Opened on Jun 20, 2022
- #111
This function trims the padding without checking whether it is valid, which means attacker ...
- 7
- Opened on Mar 13, 2022
- #110
When opening an issue, please ping @staticfloat.
With Nettle_jll 3.5, I am getting a could not load symbol nettle_hashes . See e.g. ...
- 3
- Opened on Mar 21, 2021
- #108
One of my packages has been getting failures on Travis-CI specifically with Julia 1.6. Now that 1.6 is in beta, starting
to investigate.
It works fine on my local Windows computer, so it ...
- 11
- Opened on Jan 12, 2021
- #107
Can you help me with PBKDF2 function ? Can t find it in your library. It will be helpful for web frameworks.
- 3
- Opened on Dec 1, 2020
- #106
Hi guys, sorry to bother you but each time i try to add Nettle, i got an error :
(v1.2) pkg add Nettle Resolving package versions... ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package BinDeps
[9e28174c]: ...
- 2
- Opened on May 20, 2020
- #105
@staticfloat please use the new jll artifacts of BinaryBuilder (link)
Specifically, a Nettle_jll is already available in the repository
Using it in Nettle.jl would be easier and would guarantee that ...
- Opened on Mar 1, 2020
- #103
Currently, it is not possible to write a hash function generic security protocols. To understand that, consider data and
hash value. Let s say we want to test that the hash value corresponds to the data: ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 30, 2019
- #100
Currently, AutoMerge complains about this package does not have a [compat] section. It seems that project files are also
not existent.
@staticfloat is there a reason for not having a project file at this ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 30, 2019
- #99

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