issues Search Results · repo:JuliaCrypto/SEAL.jl language:Julia
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inJuliaCrypto/SEAL.jl (press backspace or delete to remove)@sloede Thanks again for this package this has been a learning journey for me with julia, ccall and binary builder. I
have succeeded in bumping the version to 4.1.1 locally and unfortunately I did not ...
- 4
- Opened on Nov 23, 2023
- #25
Currently original seal is at around 4.0 version. Could we also have a version bump please? Additionally, do you perhaps
need more Julia friendly API similar to pyseal? (I could contribute with this if ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 20, 2023
- #24
In julia 1.8.0, calling
parms = EncryptionParameters(SchemeType.bfv)
returns ERROR: UndefVarError: libsealc not defined
- Opened on Sep 11, 2022
- #23
Hello there, it s always me :D
I was wondering if I m doing something wrong or it s just a casting problem with the - symbol.
In practical, the code
Plaintext( -1 ) or Plaintext(string(-1))
raises ...
- 4
- Opened on Mar 8, 2021
- #22
This issue is used to trigger TagBot; feel free to unsubscribe.
If you haven t already, you should update your TagBot.yml to include issue comment triggers. Please see this post on
Discourse for instructions ...
- 3
- Opened on Mar 3, 2021
- #18
According to the SEAL v3.6.0 release notes, there were a number of changes that either introduced new features or
(potentially) break the existing API. Therefore, at least all explicitly mentioned major ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 27, 2021
- #12
Hello everyone, I m new with this library so I m trying the examples but Julia gives me an error when I try to generate
a public key, in this line:
public_key_ = public_key(keygen);
ERROR: could ...
- 8
- Opened on Feb 25, 2021
- #9
Right now, the SEAL.jl API intentionally follows the SEAL C++ API very closely. The motivation for this is to make it
easy to convert an example written for the SEAL C++ to SEAL.jl without having to look ...
help wanted
- Opened on Jul 7, 2020
- #8
Also, add proper references to original examples in the SEAL repo to emphasize that the examples are not original work.
- Opened on Jul 6, 2020
- #7

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