Tags: JuliaHealth/OMOPCDMCohortCreator.jl
[Diff since v0.5.0](v0.5.0...v0.5.1) **Merged pull requests:** - Bump Compat Entry for FunSQL and Release Patch Version (#80) (@TheCedarPrince)
[Diff since v0.4.0](v0.4.0...v0.5.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Added GetDrugExposureEndDate function (#71) (@Jay-sanjay) - Added GetDrugExposureStartDate function (#72) (@Jay-sanjay) - Added a better Default for GetPatientAgeGroup (#75) (@Jay-sanjay) - Tag New Release of 0.5.0 (#76) (@Jay-sanjay) **Closed issues:** - [FEATURE] Prepare for Release of Version 0.4.0 (#65) - [FEATURE] Add New Function `GetDrugExposureStartDate` (#68) - [FEATURE] Add New Function `GetDrugExposureEndDate` (#69) - [FEATURE] Make a Better Default for `GetPatientAgeGroup` (#73)
[Diff since v0.3.0](v0.3.0...v0.4.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Added GetVisitProcedure associated with someones visit (#59) (@Jay-sanjay) - Resolving `ExecuteAudit` function getting Breaked Easily (#60) (@Jay-sanjay) - Creating Queries That Return Cohort Information (#61) (@Jay-sanjay) - renamed to GetDrugExposureIDs (#63) (@Jay-sanjay) - Tag New Release of 0.4.0 (#66) (@Jay-sanjay) **Closed issues:** - [FEATURE] `ExecuteAudit` Breaks Easily (#48) - [DOCS] Make More Explicit in the Tutorial That ConditionFilterPersonIDs Can Take a Vector of Disease IDs (#55) - [FEATURE] Add Getter for Procedures Associated with a Visit (#57) - [FEATURE] Create Queries That Return Cohort Information (#58) - [FEATURE] Rename GetDrugExposures to GetDrugExposureIDs (#62)
[Diff since v0.2.2](v0.2.2...v0.3.0) **Closed issues:** - Write tests for GetVisitConcept (#40) - functions needs to specify the column even the DataFrame passed to argument is nx1 (#42) - [FEATURE] Update Implicit Function APIs to Accept and/or Mutate a DataFrame (#53) **Merged pull requests:** - fixing issues (#54) (@Farreeda)
[Diff since v0.2.1](v0.2.1...v0.2.2) **Closed issues:** - [FEATURE] Add Function `GetVisitDate` (#44) **Merged pull requests:** - Added function to get place of service information (#39) (@TheCedarPrince) - Added GetVisitConcept getter function (#41) (@TheCedarPrince) - Adding the column name (#43) (@Farreeda) - issue #44 add GetVisitDate (#45) (@VarshC) - Tag Release of v0.2.2 (#46) (@TheCedarPrince)
[Diff since v0.2.0](v0.2.0...v0.2.1) **Closed issues:** - Configure texlab LSP (#36) **Merged pull requests:** - Expanded CI to test on Windows & OSX and Julia Versions 1, Nightly, and LTS (#35) (@TheCedarPrince) - Tag Release of v0.2.1 (#37) (@TheCedarPrince)
[Diff since v0.1.0](v0.1.0...v0.2.0) **Closed issues:** - Issue in Tutorial Docs (#5) - Create tests for GetPatientVisits (#7) - Create tests for GetMostRecentVisit (#8) - Create tests for GetVisitCondition (#9) - Add tests for ExecuteAudit (#10) - Add tests to VisitFilterPersonIDs (#11) - Add tests to ConditionFilterPersonIDs (#12) - Add tests to RaceFilterPersonIDs (#13) - Add tests to GenderFilterPersonIDs (#14) - [BUG] Fix CITATION.cff File (#18) - Fix link to API in tutorial (#19) - [FEATURE] Add Ethnicity Get Function (#20) - [BUG] Add Export and Tests for GetPatientEthnicity (#22) - _determine_calculated_year is not supported in GetPatientAgeGroup (#25) - Configure texlab LSP (#34) **Merged pull requests:** - Added function that gets a patient's ethnicity (#21) (@TheCedarPrince) - Fix heading, improve package handling in docs (#23) (@dublinsubway) - Initial Tests for Getters, Filters, and Executors (#24) (@VarshC) - Simplify Age Calculations (#27) (@TheCedarPrince) - Added Additional Test Coverage for Getters and Helpers (#28) (@TheCedarPrince) - Fix to Docs Deployment (#29) (@TheCedarPrince) - Update to Beginner Tutorial and Minor Refactor of Tutorials Layout (#30) (@TheCedarPrince) - Overhaul of Docs (#31) (@TheCedarPrince) - Updated and fixed Citation file (#32) (@TheCedarPrince) - Tag New Release v2.0.0 (#33) (@TheCedarPrince)
[Diff since v0.0.2](v0.0.2...v0.1.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Version 0.1.0 Release (#4) (@TheCedarPrince)
## OMOPCDMCohortCreator v0.0.2 [Diff since v0.0.1](v0.0.1...v0.0.2) **Merged pull requests:** - Release of 0.0.2 (#3) (@TheCedarPrince)