issues Search Results · repo:JuliaIO/SerialPorts.jl language:Julia
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inJuliaIO/SerialPorts.jl (press backspace or delete to remove)Hi,
When I run the Listener.jl example (from Julia REPL using Atom/Juno), I got the following message: usage: listener.jl
--port port --baud baud
If I enter listener.jl --port COM3 --baud 115200 , I got ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 14, 2019
- #36
The tag name 0.2.1 is not of the appropriate SemVer form (vX.Y.Z). cc: @sjkelly
- 1
- Opened on Mar 22, 2019
- #33
PyCall 1.90.0 is now released, which change o[:foo] and o[ foo ] to and o. foo , respectively, for python objects
o; see also JuliaPy/PyCall.jl#629.
The old getindex methods still work but are deprecated, ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 28, 2019
- #30
Hi, I use this package for a while, but when I changed to julia 0.7.0, the write function stopped working with strings.
After fighting with it for a few hours, I saw that the module used by 0.7.0 is the ...
- 4
- Opened on Oct 29, 2018
- #29
i need to investigate this further:
ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package SerialPorts [5d0f9de7]: SerialPorts [5d0f9de7] log: ├─possible
versions are: [0.0.1-0.0.7, 0.1.0] or uninstalled ...
- 1
- Opened on Oct 24, 2018
- #28
Following maybe we should consider
renaming SerialPorts.jl PySerialPorts.jl which is more explicit about what this package ...
- 8
- Opened on Aug 19, 2018
- #24
I m trying to communicate with a Nextion display from Julia thanks to a USB TTL converter.
The following Julia code:
using SerialPorts
function _end_of_command(ser)
for i in 0:2
- 3
- Opened on May 9, 2018
- #23
All the other functions in the package work fine except the the write function. I m trying:
using SerialPorts s = SerialPort( /dev/ttyUSB0 , 9600) write(s, Vector{UInt8}( Hello\n ))
But I get:
- Opened on Apr 27, 2018
- #22
Hi guys!
I am new in julia, and right now I am trying to develop an algorithm to control an RC car from the PC. Thus far I have
been able to receive UInt8 data from the vehicle. However, the only data ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 23, 2017
- #21
This should help with performance and simplicity. The major question is whether the Python backend should disappear. I d
like to keep it, but I don t want to sacrifice performance. My current thought is ...
- 5
- Opened on Jun 18, 2016
- #14

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