Tags: JuliaIO/SerialPorts.jl
## SerialPorts v0.2.2 [Diff since v0.2.1](v0.2.1...v0.2.2) **Closed issues:** - Enable AppVeyor (#7) - Problems with Python 3.5 write calling to_bytes(data) (#10) - libserialport Migration (#14) - write function seems to have some bug! (#22) - Julia code using SerialPorts doesn't behave like Python code using serial (#23) - Error tagging new release (#33) **Merged pull requests:** - add appveyor (#34) (@sjkelly) - Update LICENSE.md (#35) (@scls19fr) - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#37) (@JuliaTagBot) - some updates for 1.3+ (#38) (@sjkelly)