Tags: JuliaMath/DecFP.jl
## DecFP v1.0.0 [Diff since v0.4.10](v0.4.10...v1.0.0) **Closed issues:** - tryparse (#4) - mod, rem (#7) - Low-level Constructors (#14) - Make DecFP package thread safe (#39) - exp10(Dec128(0)) produces incorrect result (#47) - exact comparisons with binary values/directed conversions (#79) - incorrect floatmin? (#82) - implement Base.hash(x::DecFP.DecimalFloatingPoint) (#97) - lgamma is decprecated in SpecialFunctions (#100) - Comparison with Rational (#108) - Base.Printf.function() deprecated in Julia 1.4 (#109) - Implement widen() (#113) - update Project.toml to allow SpecialFunctions v0.11 (#119) - Build error (#126) - export sigexp() (#130) - Doesn't precompile on 1.5.0-beta1 (or 1.6) (#135) **Merged pull requests:** - Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#104) (@JuliaTagBot) - DecFPRRound -> DecFPRound (#105) (@jmkuhn) - Make thread-safe; use JLL package (#106) (@jmkuhn) - Correct floatmin() (#107) (@jmkuhn) - Remove old printf compat (#110) (@jmkuhn) - Add rem, mod, modf (#111) (@jmkuhn) - Add logabsgamma (#112) (@jmkuhn) - Comparison with Rational (#114) (@jmkuhn) - Update Rational comparison (#115) (@jmkuhn) - Implement widen() (#116) (@jmkuhn) - Constructors with RoundingMode (#118) (@jmkuhn) - Allow SpecialFunctions v0.11 (#120) (@jmkuhn) - Comparison with Float (issue #79) (#121) (@jmkuhn) - Implement tryparse() (#123) (@jmkuhn) - hash() tests (#125) (@jmkuhn) - sign(NaN) (#128) (@jmkuhn) - Low-level Constructors (#129) (@jmkuhn) - Int128 support (#132) (@jmkuhn) - Some improvements to CI (#133) (@giordano) - Implement rand() (#137) (@jmkuhn) - Export sigexp (#138) (@jmkuhn)