Tags: JuliaMath/FixedPointDecimals.jl
[Diff since v0.6.2](v0.6.2...v0.6.3) - FixedPointDecimals.floor_with_overflow(x::FD)::Tuple{FD,Bool} - FixedPointDecimals.ceil_with_overflow(x::FD)::Tuple{FD,Bool} - FixedPointDecimals.round_with_overflow(x::FD, [rounding_mode])::Tuple{FD,Bool} **Merged pull requests:** - Remove one of the redundant round definitions; add test coverage (#113) (@NHDaly) - Add round_/ceil_/floor_with_overflow (#114) (@mbarbar) - Add missing docstring for round_with_overflow (#115) (@NHDaly)
[Diff since v0.6.1](v0.6.1...v0.6.2) - `fld_with_overflow(x::FD, y::FD)::Tuple{FD,Bool}`: Like `fld`, but returns true on overflow - `rdiv_with_overflow(x::FD, y::FD)::Tuple{FD,Bool}`: Like `/`, but returns true on overflow **Merged pull requests:** - Add rdiv_with_overflow and fld_with_overflow (#109) (@mbarbar) - Better handle different backing types (#111) (@mbarbar)
[Diff since v0.6.0](v0.6.0...v0.6.1) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix world age warnings from accessing binding before definiton (#108) (@nickrobinson251) **Closed issues:** - Warnings in Julia v1.12.0-DEV `Detected access to binding in a world prior to its definition world` (#107)
[Diff since v0.5.6](v0.5.6...v0.6.0) - The checked operations `Base.Checked.add_with_overflow`, `mul_with_overflow`, etc no longer promote their arguments. - This is because overflow may occur during promotion and conversion itself. - So you are expected to handle promotion on your own (where you can also check for overflow before converting), and then you can call these checked operators. - If you were relying on this type of operation before, it is no longer defined, and you will get a MethodError: ``` Base.Checked.add_with_overflow(FixedDecimal{Int8,2}(0.0), 1) ``` - This is to avoid the following scenario: ``` julia> Base.Checked.add_with_overflow(FixedDecimal{Int8,2}(0.0), 2) ERROR: InexactError: convert(FixedDecimal{Int8, 2}, 2) ``` **Merged pull requests:** - Remove promoting with_overflow overloads (#105) (@mbarbar)
[Diff since v0.5.3](v0.5.3...v0.5.4) **Merged pull requests:** - enable dependabot for GitHub actions (#79) (@ranocha) - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 5 (#96) (@dependabot[bot]) - Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 (#98) (@dependabot[bot]) - Bump julia-actions/setup-julia from 1 to 2 (#99) (@dependabot[bot]) - Use `julia-actions/cache` (#101) (@omus) - Add with_overflow for add, sub, and mul (#102) (@mbarbar) - 0.5.4: *_with_overflow for add, sub, mul (#103) (@NHDaly)
[Diff since v0.5.2](v0.5.2...v0.5.3) - Performance improvements for FixedDecimal{Int128} and FixedDecimal{UInt128} (PR: #93) **Merged pull requests:** - Use Int256 to reduce BigInts in FD operations. (#93) (@NHDaly) **Closed issues:** - Create tag for 0.3.1 (#66)