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Convenience notation

For constant, linear, and cubic spline interpolations, constant_interpolation, linear_interpolation, and cubic_spline_interpolation can be used to create interpolating and extrapolating objects handily.

Motivating Example

By using the convenience constructor one can simplify expressions. For example, the creation of an interpolation object

extrap_full = extrapolate(scale(interpolate(A, BSpline(Linear())), xs), Line())

can be written as the more readable

extrap = linear_interpolation(xs, A, extrapolation_bc = Line())

by using the convenience constructor.


1-dimensional interpolation

We set up the input and output arrays for interpolation

using Interpolations # hide
f(x) = log(x)
xs = 1:0.2:5
A = [f(x) for x in xs]
nothing # hide

Linear interpolation

interp_linear = linear_interpolation(xs, A);
interp_linear(3) # exactly log(3)
interp_linear(3.1) # approximately log(3.1)

Cubic spline interpolation

interp_cubic = cubic_spline_interpolation(xs, A);
interp_cubic(3) # exactly log(3)
interp_cubic(3.1) # approximately log(3.1)

Multidimensional interpolation

The interpolation function supports multidimensional data as well:

using Interpolations # hide
f(x,y) = log(x+y)
xs = 1:0.2:5
ys = 2:0.1:5
A = [f(x,y) for x in xs, y in ys]
nothing # hide

Linear interpolation

interp_linear = linear_interpolation((xs, ys), A);
interp_linear(3, 2) # exactly log(3 + 2)
interp_linear(3.1, 2.1) # approximately log(3.1 + 2.1)

Cubic spline interpolation

interp_cubic = cubic_spline_interpolation((xs, ys), A);
interp_cubic(3, 2) # exactly log(3 + 2)
interp_cubic(3.1, 2.1) # approximately log(3.1 + 2.1)

[Extrapolation](@id convenient-extraploation)

For extrapolation, i.e., when interpolation objects are evaluated in coordinates outside the range provided in constructors, the default option for a boundary condition is Throw so that they will return an error. Interested users can specify boundary conditions by providing an extra parameter for extrapolation_bc:

using Interpolations # hide
f(x) = log(x);
xs = 1:0.2:5;
A = [f(x) for x in xs];
nothing # hide
# extrapolation with linear boundary conditions
extrap = linear_interpolation(xs, A, extrapolation_bc = Line())
nothing # hide
extrap(1 - 0.2) ≈ f(1) - (f(1.2) - f(1))
extrap(5 + 0.2) ≈ f(5) + (f(5) - f(4.8))

You can also use a "fill" value, which gets returned whenever you ask for out-of-range values:

extrap = linear_interpolation(xs, A, extrapolation_bc = NaN)
nothing # hide

Irregular grids

Irregular grids are supported as well; note that presently only constant_interpolation and linear_interpolation supports irregular grids.

using Interpolations # hide
f(x) = log(x) # hide
xs = [x^2 for x = 1:0.2:5]
A = [f(x) for x in xs]

# linear interpolation
interp_linear = linear_interpolation(xs, A)
nothing # hide
interp_linear(1) # exactly log(1)
interp_linear(1.05) # approximately log(1.05)

Example with Plots.jl

An interpolated object is also easily capable of being plotted with Plots.jl. A simple example is as follows:

using Interpolations, Plots

# Lower and higher bound of interval
a = 1.0
b = 10.0
# Interval definition
x = a:1.0:b
# This can be any sort of array data, as long as
# length(x) == length(y)
y = @. cos(x^2 / 9.0) # Function application by broadcasting
# Interpolations
itp_linear = linear_interpolation(x, y)
itp_cubic = cubic_spline_interpolation(x, y)
# Interpolation functions
f_linear(x) = itp_linear(x)
f_cubic(x) = itp_cubic(x)
# Plots
width, height = 1500, 800 # not strictly necessary
x_new = a:0.1:b # smoother interval, necessary for cubic spline

scatter(x, y, markersize=10,label="Data points")
plot!(f_linear, x_new, w=3,label="Linear interpolation")
plot!(f_cubic, x_new, linestyle=:dash, w=3, label="Cubic Spline interpolation")
plot!(size = (width, height))
plot!(legend = :bottomleft)

And the generated plot is: interpolation plot example