Tags: JuliaMusic/MusicTheory.jl
## MusicTheory v0.1.0 **Merged pull requests:** - Refactor notes (#1) (@dpsanders) - Finish refactoring notes. Scales working (#2) (@dpsanders) - Add tests and chords (#3) (@dpsanders) - Refactor intervals to contain human-readable number instead of distance (#4) (@dpsanders) - Add triads and note names (#5) (@dpsanders) - Add motifs including arpeggios (#6) (@dpsanders) - Allow adding intervals together (#7) (@dpsanders) - Rename note -> pitch (#8) (@dpsanders) - Add notes with durations (#9) (@dpsanders) - Add README (#10) (@dpsanders) - Set version to 0.1 and update README (#11) (@dpsanders)