- hot reloading/browser-sync/redux devtools on dev build
- minify/chunkhash/trackJS on production build
- eslint both of terminal and pre-commit
- unit test of react/redux
- es6/webapck
- sass support
- UI Kit: Ant Design
- isomorphic-fetch
- mock data
- example app
- ...
npm install --global yarn # install yarn
git clone git@github.com:Justin-lu/react-redux-antd.git demo
cd demo
# run dev
npm run start
# run mock server
npm run start:mock
# dev start with test/lint
npm run start
# prodction start with browser-sync server
npm run start:prod
# production build
npm run build
# mock data
npm run start:mock
# run test
npm run test
# generate test cover report
npm run test:cover
- enable pre-commit hook
cd .git/hooks/ && ln -s ./../../tools/pre-commit pre-commit
├── README.md
├── coverage # test coverage report
├── dist # production build directory
│ ├── 269268ade790db48e9dcc5eb0db587cd.jpg
│ ├── antd.f7f5aa5b8e507559a22db55944433a23.css
│ ├── app.89f9817729a2b19dc35586b6f0505c83.css
│ ├── app.fa0e73813f3ce3a7605d.js
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ └── index.html
├── package.json
├── src # source directory
│ ├── actions # write your redux action here
│ │ ├── users.js # redux action
│ │ └── users.spec.js # redux action test
│ ├── components # write your redux components here
│ │ ├── CustomTable.js
│ │ └── NotFoundPage # this is a folder which include NotFoundPage.js, NotFoundPage.scss, NotFoundPage.spec.js
│ ├── config
│ │ └── api.js # write your api config here
│ ├── constants # some constants
│ │ └── actionTypes.js
│ ├── containers # write your redux containers here
│ │ ├── AccessControl.js
│ │ ├── App # App.js App.scss
│ ├── data
│ │ └── db.json # mock data file
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── index.html # template index.html
│ ├── index.js # entry file
│ ├── reducers # write your redux reducers here.
│ │ ├── index.js # entry file
│ │ ├── initialState.js # put all of the initial state in here
│ │ ├── users.js # users reducers
│ │ └── users.spec.js # users reducers spec
│ ├── routes.js # routes
│ ├── store # store
│ │ ├── configureStore.dev.js
│ │ ├── configureStore.js
│ │ └── configureStore.prod.js
│ └── utils # utils file
│ └── cFetch.js
├── tools # some tools script
│ ├── build.js
│ ├── chalkConfig.js
│ ├── distServer.js
│ ├── mock.js
│ ├── pre-commit
│ ├── srcServer.js
│ ├── startMessage.js
│ ├── testSetup.js
│ └── updateIndexHTML.js
├── webpack.config.dev.js # webpack config of dev
└── webpack.config.prod.js # webpack config of production