Go package to facilitate the use of the Argon2id password hashing algorithm from the "crypto/argon2" package.
go get "github.com/KEINOS/go-argonize"
func Example_basic() {
// Your strong and unpredictable password
password := []byte("my password")
// Password hash your password
hashedObj, err := argonize.Hash(password)
if err != nil {
// View the hashed password
fmt.Println("Passwd to save:", hashedObj.String())
// Verify password (golden case)
if hashedObj.IsValidPassword([]byte("my password")) {
fmt.Println("the password is valid")
} else {
fmt.Println("the password is invalid")
// Verify password (wrong case)
if hashedObj.IsValidPassword([]byte("wrong password")) {
fmt.Println("the password is valid")
} else {
fmt.Println("the password is invalid")
// Output:
// Passwd to save: $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=1,p=2$ek6ZYdlRm2D5AsGV98TWKA$QAIDZEdIgwohrNX678mHc448LOmD7jGR4BGw/9YMMVU
// the password is valid
// the password is invalid
func Example_from_saved_password() {
// Load the hashed password from a file, DB or etc.
savedPasswd := "$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=1,p=2$iuIIXq4foOhcGUH1BjE08w$kA+XOAMls8hzWg3J1sYxkeuK/lkU4HDRBf0zchdyllY"
// Decode the saved password to a Hashed object.
// Note that once hashed, passwords cannot be recovered and can only be
// verified.
hashObj, err := argonize.DecodeHashStr(savedPasswd)
if err != nil {
// Validate the password against the hashed password.
if hashObj.IsValidPassword([]byte("my password")) {
fmt.Println("the password is valid")
} else {
fmt.Println("the password is invalid")
if hashObj.IsValidPassword([]byte("wrong password")) {
fmt.Println("the password is valid")
} else {
fmt.Println("the password is invalid")
// Output:
// the password is valid
// the password is invalid
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- MIT, Copyright (c) 2022 KEINOS and the go-Argonize contributors.
- This Go package is strongly influenced by an article by Alex Edwards.