The go-pallet
package is a Go library that simply gets the number of colors used in an image. For color pallet and/or histogram-base usage.
go get ""
- Basic Usage
This sample yields a color palette with RGBA color combinations
and their number of occurrences as values.
// import ""
// Load image
imgRGBA, err := pallet.Load("/path/to/image/sample.png")
if err != nil {
// Get all the color combinations used in an image.
// Returned data are sorted in order of frequency of use.
pixInfoList := pallet.ByOccurrence(imgRGBA)
// Print the first 2 most used colors. Which is:
// 46618 pixcels of RGBA(0,0,0,0) and
// 32505 pixcels of RGBA(208,182,152,255)
// Output:
// [{0 0 0 0 46618} {208 182 152 255 32505}]
This sample yields a histogram of an image which is a color palette
with each channel's shade level (0-255) as a key and their number
of occurrences as values.
// import ""
// Load image
imgRGBA, err := pallet.Load("/path/to/image/sample.png")
if err != nil {
// Get the image histogram.
hist := pallet.AsHistogram(imgRGBA)
// Print the occurrences of each color channel's shade level.
// <channel>[<shade level>] = <occurrence>
// For example if a red pixel with max-opacity (R,G,B,A=255,0,0,255)
// appeared twice in an image then it will be:
// r[255]=2, g[0]=2, b[0]=2, a[255]=2
fmt.Printf("r[0]=%v, r[255]=%v\n", hist.R[0], hist.R[255])
fmt.Printf("g[0]=%v, g[255]=%v\n", hist.G[0], hist.G[255])
fmt.Printf("b[0]=%v, b[255]=%v\n", hist.B[0], hist.B[255])
fmt.Printf("a[0]=%v, a[255]=%v\n", hist.A[0], hist.A[255])
// Output:
// r[0]=3, r[255]=1
// g[0]=3, g[255]=1
// b[0]=3, b[255]=1
// a[0]=1, a[255]=3
Here's a simple implementation of go-pallet
as a CLI app.
- Via Homebrew (macOS, Linux)
brew install KEINOS/apps/go-pallet
- Via Go install (all platforms)
go install ""
- Manual Install
- releases page
- macOS (Intel/AMD64/M1), Windows (AMD64/Intel), Linux (Intel/AMD64, Arm 5,6,7, Arm64)
$ pallet -h
Simply print-outs the number of colors used or the histogram of an image in JSON.
main [options] <file path>
-f, --file file path of an image to analyze
--histogram print the histogram of the given image in JSON
-p, --perline prints each JSON elements per line
-v, --version displays app version
-h, --help display help information
$ pallet /path/to/image/sample.png
$ pallet /path/to/image/sample.png --perline
This template adopts the below security measures to start with.
- MIT License. Copyright (c) KEINOS and The Contributors.