---------- English (en-US) ----------
Focus on low-level programming and security technology under Windows NT
Reinvent better wheels with solid expertise
---------- 简体中文 (zh-CN) ----------
致力于Windows NT底层编程与安全技术
---------- English (en-US) ----------
Focus on low-level programming and security technology under Windows NT
Reinvent better wheels with solid expertise
---------- 简体中文 (zh-CN) ----------
致力于Windows NT底层编程与安全技术
KNSoft.NDK provides native C/C++ definitions and import libraries for Windows NT and some specifications.
C/C++ definitions of multiple firmware specifications with corresponding type information
To diff Windows SDK changes, see Wiki (https://github.com/KNSoft/WinSDK-Diff/wiki) for details.
Precompiler for C/C++, a custom build tool converts variant files, objects, or other things to C source, and integrates to C/C++ project
**WIP** A fast, low-level and convenient C/C++ library to "Make Life Easier" when suffering from Windows NT development.
Stub repository for KNSoft.SlimDetours, please follow https://github.com/KNSoft/KNSoft.SlimDetours