Don't forget to register for Hacktoberfest 2024! You need to be officially signed up to have your contributions count.
Register here and start your open-source journey with us today! π
Are you unfamiliar with Hacktoberfest or new to Git/GitHub? Curious about competitive programming and how to get involved with CPForge?
Check out our Getting Started Guide. Everything you need to kickstart your open source journey is waiting for you. We've got resources tailored just for you! π
Competitive Programming Questions
- Folder 1: Beginner Problems
This folder contains basic questions on arrays, strings, sorting, and searching algorithms to help you get started.
- Folder 2: Intermediate Problems
Contains questions involving more complex algorithms and data structures like trees, graphs, dynamic programming, and backtracking.
- Folder 3: Advanced Problems
Challenging problems focused on topics like segment trees, advanced dynamic programming, and combinatorics.
- Folder 1: Beginner Problems
For this Hacktoberfest, your contributions will focus on solving and adding competitive programming problems from various coding platforms (e.g., Codeforces, CodeChef, LeetCode).
- 2 PRs for solving problems: Select problems from platforms like Codeforces, CodeChef, or LeetCode, solve them, and submit your solutions. Make sure to add the solution in the appropriate folder.
- 1 PRs for adding new problems: Find or create unique competitive programming problems, and submit them under the relevant folder along with their solutions. The problems should be categorized based on their difficulty, corresponding to the rating ranges provided.
- 1 PRs for implementation of one of the codes: For the codes you have provided, you have to create an visual implementation of working of that code, and submit them under relevant folder. You can use any tech stack to create an visual working of your code on any given testcase.
Important: For each problem you solve or add, ensure that you follow the naming conventions and guidelines specified, including providing the problem link and a well-commented explanation of your solution.
- Your solutions must be well-commented and clean.
- Problems added must not already exist in the repository, and should provide meaningful coding challenges.
- All PRs should include proper explanations or problem statements, including input/output formats.
- The PR description should include your Roll Number and Name at the top.
Solution Naming Convention:
- Name your solution files using the format: Platform_ProblemName.
- Example: codeforces_8A for a problem from Codeforces or codechef_THREETOPICS for a problem from CodeChef.
- Example: newproblem_PROBLEMNAME for a newly created problem.
Problem Link and Explanation:
- Each solution should contain a link to the problem on its respective platform (Codeforces, CodeChef, etc.).
- Provide a brief explanation of your approach in the solution file, outlining the logic, algorithm used, and why it works.
- Include comments for critical parts of the code to help others understand your thought process.
This repository is exclusively open to IIT Mandi students looking to contribute to open source and hone their competitive programming skills.