Kara's official portfolio site
- Projects : This feature allows a user to
- Blog Posts : This feature allows a user to
I'm not sure where this idea came from...
Persona 1 persona 2 persona 3
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- As a (type of user/persona), I'd like to (take this action) so that (I fulfill this need).
- Jeckyll
- Unit Tests Written (Review Coverage)
- Style Guide Written
- Model validations configured
- Keys/Secrets secure
- Front-End Accessibility Tested
- Mobile Responsiveness Tested
- Deployment configured
Stay tuned!
Though this is a personal project at this time, if you'd like to contribute, please contact me, I'd love to pair!