An app that lets you collect and share all your feels about your favorite cereals, and make delicioso combinations to try and share!
- Create & vote on your fave cereal combo : This feature allows a user to
- Share your Favorite music : This feature allows a user to
One of my entreprenurial dreams is to open a Cereal bar, called Cerealmente, that lets you use your fave ingredients to have a delicious bowl of cereal. I loved the idea of letting people aggregate the best combos and using them for my menu, creating a unique, interactive experience at the bar.
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- starts here
- clicks/moves to here,
- completes their goal.
- As a (type of user/persona), I'd like to (take this action) so that (I fulfill this need).
- Ruby on Rails
- Unit Tests Written (Review Coverage)
- Style Guide Written
- Model validations configured
- Keys/Secrets secure
- Front-End Accessibility Tested
- Mobile Responsiveness Tested
- Deployment configured
Stay tuned!
Though this is a personal project at this time, if you'd like to contribute, please contact me, I'd love to pair!