Tags: KarthikRIyer/OpenTimelineIO
Clean up auto-docstrings. (AcademySoftwareFoundation#542) Docstrings for attributes in python don't really exist. Instead of fetching them, the autodoc generator now just uses "" as the docstring for properties that it has to read off the instantiated object.
import console directly in otioview. (AcademySoftwareFoundation#505)
Add links to other plugins in read the docs to the readme. (AcademySo… …ftwareFoundation#360)
Refactored the README, pushing lots of stuff to the wiki. (AcademySof… …twareFoundation#294)
Make 'contrib' installed by default. (AcademySoftwareFoundation#235) * Make 'contrib' installed by default. - renames contrib 'opentimelineio_contrib' and installs it via the setup.py - add code in manifest.py to automatically look for the contrib manifest. - update makefile to run tests in new location * Minor fix for the ALE adapter that was causing a warning in python3.
Public beta (#140) * Getting LICENSE.txt, etc. ready for public beta. * Added reference to EDL SMPTE spec in README. * Adding CLA PDFs * Updated CLA PDFs. * Added license header to all .py source files. * Small fixes so you can use different versions of Qt. * Fix to otioview when a timeline is empty. * Show the OTIO JSON in the details pane. * Try to guard against missing media_reference.available_range. * Lots of cleanup, pep8, doc strings, etc. * Add has_feature to adapter