feat(.config/ohmyposh/config.toml): new config
feat(.config/ohmyposh/config.toml): new config
chore(.zshrc): using zoxide and oh-my-posh
chore(.zshrc): using zoxide and oh-my-posh
chore(Brewfile): updated with new stuffies
chore(Brewfile): updated with new stuffies
chore(.vscode/settings.json): update settings
chore(.vscode/settings.json): update settings
feat(Brewfile): new items and alphabatise
feat(Brewfile): new items and alphabatise
chore(.zsh/aliases.zsh): smol cleanup
chore(.zsh/aliases.zsh): smol cleanup
chore(.gitignore): ignore AppSupport
chore(.gitignore): ignore
folderchore(Brewfile): remove old packages
chore(Brewfile): remove old packages
feat(nix/): initial commit of nix flake
feat(nix/): initial commit of nix flake
): added extensions
): added extensionsfeat(.vscode/
): added extenstions and settings
): added extenstions and settingschore: deleted .DS_Store file
chore: deleted .DS_Store file
): updated gitignore with everything needed
): updated gitignore with everything neededchore(.zshrc
): updated zshrc file
): updated zshrc fileUpdated BrewFile with appcleaner
Updated BrewFile with appcleaner
Updated BrewFile with more relevant applications
Updated BrewFile with more relevant applications
Updated .zshrc defualt editor from helix to vim
Updated .zshrc defualt editor from helix to vim
Fixed .zshrc unclosed string
Fixed .zshrc unclosed string
Updated macOS-preference launchpad grid sizing
Updated macOS-preference launchpad grid sizing
Update aliases with pest command and removing old SSH aliases
Update aliases with pest command and removing old SSH aliases