Whether you're an experienced game developer, a Javascript expert, an HTML and CSS pro, or have never worked with any of these, this project is designed for everyone who's interested in creating something new and special. The core languages used in this project are Javascript, HTML, and CSS, enhanced with the magic of kaplay.js (formerly kaboom.js). However, even if you're not familiar with Javascript, you can still contribute by submitting non-code pull requests. We also need game assets like spritesheets, music, or even ideas in the form of a screenplay, which will serve as a guide for developers to create assets that align with the project's vision.
Let's see how far we can get and where the game will lead into.
There are some rules regarding contributions (especially during hacktoberfest)
- No competition who resolves a issues first or who fixes a pull request first. Helping each other is good and important but creating pressure doesn't help
- Fixing just one typo per pull request is not really considered adding a lot of value. Make sure you add real value by contributing to the game itself with logic, assets or screenplays
- We know that everyone wants their pull request as fast merged as possible. Remember, this is a open source project and each person who works on it, does so in their freetime. Also the maintainers!
- If a pull request got reviewed and problems were found, we will reject it first and request changes as long as the pull request is valid. No need to panic here. Just something which is common practice
- If you add game assets or entire new maps to the game, make sure to keep track of any credits and shout outs which we have to make for third party resources. Altough they might be free to use, it is more than fair to give creative artists credit for their work. Even if it is a self-made asset, add yourself to the asset_credits file
Forking the repository is as easy as hitting the fork button in this repo. After the fork process, you can then
git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/ZTM-Quest.git
Or even better if you have set up ssh for your github account with
git clone git@github.com:<your-username>/ZTM-Quest.git
After cloning it, you have to set up the upstream to be able to sync your local repository with the current version of this repository by running
cd ZTM-Quest
git remote add upstream git@github.com:zero-to-mastery/ZTM-Quest.git
So every now and then - or better said each time you start working, you should run
git pull upstream main
In order to get the latest code and avoid merge conflicts in advance.
You should already be in the ZTM-Quest directory. If not just cd into it by running
cd ZTM-Quest
Make sure you use the entire path where you have cloned it into. Inside run
npm install
This should set everything up and you should be good to go.
You can run the dev server with hot module reloading with
npm run dev
Run code style checks
npm run prettier
Run code style fix
npm run prettier:fix
Run linting
npm run lint
One of the tasks will be to add interactions in the ZTM Quest world. In order to help contributors identify objects in a map, screenshots were made from the Tiled software with available objects with their corresponding names. If you want to develop interactions, make sure to check out the additional-map-info readme
To make things easier (because it can be really confusing how to start contributing), we have added two HOW-TOs to help you out.
Here are some tools which I can recommend regarding game assets