603WorkVed Public
Forked from Mayank77maruti/603WorkVedWelcome to Workved Spaces! We're excited to have you on board. Dive in, contribute passionately, and let's build something amazing together!
assetchain-native-staking-frontend Public
Forked from xendfinance/assetchain-native-staking-frontendXend Finance native staking platform
AssetChain-RWAStaking Public
Forked from xendfinance/AssetChain-RWAStakingStake RWA and earn APR on Asset Chain. The APR is dynamic and adjusts based on total RWA in the pool. Users also get a staking score that will give them access to different features and rewards in …
assetchain-sfc-contract Public
Forked from xendfinance/assetchain-sfc-contract -
axios Public
Forked from KoalaDevs/axiosPromise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
blockscout-frontend Public
Forked from xendfinance/blockscout-frontendFront-end application for Blockscout
bromoTimer Public
Forked from mittelab/bromoTimerA timer circuit for the HaSGO bromograph
clml Public
Forked from mathematical-systems/clmlCommon Lisp Machine Learning Library
contract-metadata-madwallet Public
Forked from xendfinance/contract-metadata-madwalletA mapping of ethereum contract addresses to broadly accepted icons for those addresses.
DeFiDollar Public
Forked from xendfinance/DeFiDollarXend Finance Integration of DeFi Dollar
electro_101 Public
Forked from mittelab/electro_101Slides and material for our basic electronics lessions.
ethereum-org-website Public
Forked from ethereum/ is a primary online resource for the Ethereum community.
Financial-opportunity Public
Forked from ameeshaagrawal/Financial-opportunityTo create financial opportunity for investing with truth tokens and gaining interest through DAI
Solidity UpdatedMar 1, 2023 -
FluffySpoon.Automation Public
Forked from ffMathy/FluffySpoon.AutomationA set of automation tools.
foundationdb Public
Forked from xumengpanda/foundationdbFoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
- Public
Forked from googlefonts/googlefonts.github.ioGoogle Fonts documentation
Hello-world- Public
Forked from octocat/Hello-WorldMy first repository on GitHub!
UpdatedAug 20, 2024 -
HTML5-Space-Invaders Public
Forked from arcadeJHS/HTML5-Space-InvadersA Space Invaders HTML5 porting. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 - Unported license (CC BY-SA 3.0). The text of the license is available at http://creati…
idea-lab Public
Forked from theupweb/idea-labCollaborative space for developers, designers and artists to share and work with their ideas.
ironfan Public
Forked from infochimps-labs/ironfanChef orchestration layer -- your system diagram come to life. Provision EC2, OpenStack or Vagrant without changes to cookbooks or configuration
Layer2UI Public
Forked from xendfinance/Layer2UISimple UI to implement Xend Finance Layer 2 DeFi protocol.
madwallet-providers Public
Forked from xendfinance/madwallet-providersAn Ethereum Provider that connects over a stream, as injected into websites by MetaMask
MadWalletDEXAggregator Public
Forked from xendfinance/MadWalletDEXAggregator -
merchant-api-sample Public
Forked from xendfinance/merchant-api-sampleXend Finance Mobile App Merchant API
nodejs-sdk Public
Forked from xendfinance/nodejs-sdkThe Xend FInance SDK enables existing application to build on Xend Finance without understanding the complexities of the blockchain
optimism Public
Forked from ethereum-optimism/optimismOptimism is Ethereum, scaled.
ray Public
Forked from ray-project/rayRay is an AI compute engine. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.