issues Search Results · repo:Khan/khan-exercises language:HTML
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inKhan/khan-exercises (press backspace or delete to remove)When I run any exercise locally and inspect the developer tools console, it says that the Khan module isn t defined in
Any thoughts on what could be going wrong?
- 5
- Opened on May 28, 2016
- #161569
What file should I be looking at for jquery plugin that will allow us to generate the exercises?
- 1
- Opened on May 27, 2016
- #161568
Communication with issue tracker isn t working. Please file the issue manually at GitHub. Please reference item:
Here is the mistake in the question:
- Opened on Dec 15, 2015
- #161566
The Source: identifying-dependent-and-independent-events/x3960201cac76f0c9
P(A) should be the probability of that a randomly selected student ONLY has a playstation. Otherwise, P(A) can include
both those ...
- Opened on Dec 13, 2015
- #161565
No text or anything showed up at first. I tried clicking the hint buttons to see what was up, no luck. When I clicked
the report an issue button the question text finally showed ...
- Opened on Dec 10, 2015
- #161563
The difference is to marginal. Similar results are treated as fair coin. I made several attempts to get 100 correct in a
row, however, some of these questions slip into the question pool and I fail. This ...
- Opened on Dec 6, 2015
- #161562
Why in the second last hint is it: 6(4) + 6(3)?
I was thinking it should be:
4 + 6 * 3
- Opened on Dec 4, 2015
- #161560
Question is: Solve factorable quadratic equations (leading coefficient is 1). Solve quadratic equations of the form
x^2+bx+c=0 that can be rewritten according to their linear factors. Solve for x:
x^2 ...
- Opened on Dec 4, 2015
- #161559
I cannot create a correct answer for this question, even though my answer looks identical to the given answer .
- 2
- Opened on Nov 30, 2015
- #161558

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