- Nigeria
- kidi-it-github-io.vercel.app
- http://linkedin.com/in/ifejika-chichetam-4347a52a6
Age-calculator-software-with-python Public template
Software that calculates user age using python
Project-extension- Public template
Awesome supercharged JavaScript projects for creating Automated Web Apps or softwares for proactive security purposes in an organization.
KidiIT Public template
Config files for my GitHub profile.
VulnSniff Public template
VulnSniff is a cybersecurity tool for Vulnerability detection and packet sniffing for security professionals, security experts and Tech researchers.
Automation-repetitive-task-software Public template
Forked from KIDI-S-TECH/Automation-repetitive-task-softwareTremendous automation repetitive task Sofware with the motive of contributing to what makes your day to day activities much easier and accessible for you at your work place.
Blue-1 Public template
Forked from BlueTears69/Blue-1This repository is for demonstration purposes only. #First shot at this
4 UpdatedMay 31, 2024 -
Free--Dictionary-API Public template
I came across an inspiring free Dictionary API created. however, with my initiative i was able to build a Dictionary APl that can be used at your comfort zone.
-Clearing-SetTimeout-with-JavaScript- Public template
An awe-inspiring software for proactive security purposes in an organization
form-validation-project-with-javascript Public template
cyber-security entry-level jobs application form. a good project to test your form validation skills with javascript
Password-reset-with-javascript Public template
A comprehensive project to test and advanced your password validation skills with javascript.
Spoon-Knife Public template
Forked from octocat/Spoon-KnifeThis repo is for demonstration purposes only.
Shuffle-array-using-sort-method-with-javascript--step1- Public template
Awesome step to shuffle an Array using the sort method in minutes
KidiIT.github.io Public template
Awesome software been built to calculate users age by year, months and days. I'm so happy to share with y'all my first programming project with the community.
Decided to create a good project that will help the community to have an in-depth knowledge on how to use "for loop" on javascript.however,this project will go a long way for anyone who's intereste…
Wonderful project been developed by me to help the community to iterate through colors and display or change the color of an element after 2sec.
Customer-interactive-score-card-rating Public template
I decided to try something different with this wonderful project. it purpose is to enlighten the community on how to manipulate your html template with css , javascript for great productivity .
-Password-generator-software-with-Javascript Public template
The creativity of this program was built for a great purpose, which is to help users who find it hard to create a strong password that'll be unbreakable by any type cyber attackers and closest fren…
Free-multiplication-table-with-module.Js Public template
I created this software for the betterment of the community, the multiplication table module project is a great one to try out. moreover, it'll improve and give you an in-depth understanding on how…
Clearing-SetTimeout-with-JavaScript Public template
An awe-inspiring software for proactive security purposes in an organization
Shuffle-array-using-sort-method-step2 Public template
I made a promise to y'all on my last repo. on this repository I used the sort method to shuffle an array with one line of code. Thank you and you're welcome!🙃