A ray/pathtracer developed for Computer Graphics (CGR24) at UoE that supports various rendering features and scene configurations.
- Image writing and output
- Virtual pin-hole camera
- Primitive intersection tests (Sphere, Triangle, Cylinder, Rectangle, Box)
- Blinn-Phong shading model
- Shadow ray casting
- Reinhard tone mapping
- Perfect reflection
- Perfect refraction with Fresnel effects
- Texture mapping support
- BVH acceleration structure
- Path tracing with:
- Multiple importance sampling
- Pixel sampling strategies
- Depth of field effects
- BRDF sampling
- Light sampling
To build the project:
cd code
Execute the raytracer with a scene configuration file:
./raytracer <scene_file.json>
./raytracer scenes/cornell_box.json
Scenes are defined using JSON files. Below is the structure of a sample configuration:
"nbounces": 50,
"nsamples": 1000,
"rendermode": "path",
"use_tone_mapping": true,
"use_stratified_sampling": true,
"use_bvh": true,
"camera": {
"type": "pinhole",
"width": 1000,
"height": 1000,
"position": [278, 278, -800],
"lookAt": [278, 278, 0],
"upVector": [0, 1, 0],
"fov": 40.0,
"exposure": 0.1
"scene": {
"backgroundcolor": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"lightsources": [...],
"shapes": [...]
All available scene configuration options can be found in SceneConfig.h.
Here are the supported material types and their configurations for different rendering modes:
"type": "diffuse",
"albedo": [0.73, 0.73, 0.73]
"type": "metal",
"albedo": [0.9, 0.73, 0.73]
"type": "dielectric",
"ior": 1.5
"type": "emissive",
"colour": [1.0, 1.0, 0.8],
"intensity": 12
"texture": "path/to/texture.ppm",
"ks": 0.1,
"kd": 0.9
Phong materials are configured with properties specific to Blinn-Phong shading:
"type": "sphere",
"center": [0, -25.0, 0],
"radius": 25.1,
"material": {
"ks": 0.1,
"kd": 0.9,
"specularexponent": 10,
"diffusecolor": [0.5, 1, 0.5],
"specularcolor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"isreflective": false,
"reflectivity": 1.0,
"isrefractive": false,
"refractiveindex": 1.0
"type": "cylinder",
"center": [-0.3, 0.19, 1],
"axis": [0, 1, 0],
"radius": 0.15,
"height": 0.2,
"material": {
"ks": 0.1,
"kd": 0.9,
"specularexponent": 20,
"diffusecolor": [0.5, 0.5, 0.8],
"specularcolor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"isreflective": false,
"reflectivity": 1.0,
"isrefractive": false,
"refractiveindex": 1.0
In binary mode, materials are overridden with a solid colour for visualising shape intersections. No additional configuration is needed beyond defining the shape.
"type": "sphere",
"center": [0, 0, 0],
"radius": 10
- Classic Cornell Box with path tracingscenes/path_dof.json
- Depth of field demonstrationscenes/scene_textures.json
- Texture mapping examplesscenes/scene_reflective.json
- Perfect reflection demoscenes/binary_primitives.json
- Basic shape intersection tests