As of February 2023, this repository is deprecated and will soon be archived. |
We recommend choosing from the following solutions:
- Enable CORS on the non-CORS enabled web server.
- Use API keys to use services and access private content.
- Configure your security settings in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
- Access secure services using ArcGIS Online to store your username/password credentials.
Note: this resource proxy may only be used with ArcGIS Enterprise.
These proxy files support:
- Accessing cross domain resources
- Requests that exceed 2048 characters
- Accessing resources secured with token based authentication.
- OAuth 2.0 app logins.
- Enabling logging
- Both resource and referer based rate limiting
Ensure that you follow the Terms & Conditions of the Esri systems and software that you are working with. In general, it is not permitted to embed credentials in a resource proxy for the purpose of bypassing Named User authentication (i.e. the principle that each end-user must have their own unique login). This is true both when using a resource proxy with ArcGIS Online as well as for ArcGIS Server sites federated as part of an ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
- Download and unzip the .zip file or clone the repository. You can download a released version (recommended) or the most recent daily build.
- Follow the instructions in the readme file in the folder of the proxy you want to install (DotNet, Java, PHP) for installation instructions.
- DotNet: .NET version of the proxy
- proxy.ashx
- proxy.config
- Java: Java version of the proxy
- proxy.jsp
- WEB-INF/classes/proxy.config
- PHP: PHP version of the proxy
- proxy.php
- proxy.config
All three proxies respect the XML configuration properties listed below.
- Use the ProxyConfig tag to specify the following proxy level settings.
- mustMatch="true" : When
only the sites listed using serverUrl will be proxied. Set tofalse
to proxy any site, which can be useful in testing. However, we recommend setting it totrue
for production sites. - allowedReferers="," : A comma-separated list of referer URLs. Only requests coming from referers in the list will be proxied. See Esri#282 for detailed usage.
- logFile="proxylog.txt" : When a logFile is specified, the proxy will log messages to this file. N.B.: The folder containing the logFile must be writable by the web server. If a path is not specified, the .Net proxy uses the folder where the proxy.config file is found. (The Java proxy uses java.util.logging.FileHandler to open the file; the PHP proxy uses fopen to open the file.)
- logLevel="Error" : An optional flag indicating the level of detail to write to the logFile. Flags for each of the various languages are listed below.
- .Net levels are "Error", "Warning", "Info", and "Verbose" in order from fewest to most messages; the default is "Error".
- Java levels are "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", and "FINEST" in order from fewest to most messages; the default is "SEVERE".
- PHP levels are 0 (writes messages and errors to logs), 1 (shows proxy errors and messages in browser console), 2 (combination of levels 0 and 1), and 3 (no logging); the default is 0.
- mustMatch="true" : When
- Add a new
entry for each service that will use the proxy. The proxy.config allows you to use the serverUrl tag to specify one or more ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward requests to. The serverUrl tag has the following attributes:- url: Location of the ArcGIS Server service (or other URL) to proxy. Specify either the specific URL or the root (in which case you should set matchAll="false").
- matchAll="true": When
all requests that begin with the specified URL are forwarded. Otherwise, the URL requested must match exactly. - username: Username to use when requesting a token - if needed for ArcGIS Server token based authentication.
- password: Password to use when requesting a token - if needed for ArcGIS Server token based authentication.
- tokenServiceUri: If username and password are specified, the proxy will use the supplied token service uri to request a token. If this value is left blank, the proxy will request a token URL from the ArcGIS server.
- useAppPoolIdentity: When
, the IIS application pool identity will be used for authenticating with secured resources. This configuration will supersede the domain, username, and password configurations. The default isfalse
. Only applies to DotNet proxy. - domain: The Windows domain to use with username/password when using Windows Authentication. Only applies to DotNet proxy.
- clientId. Used with clientSecret for OAuth authentication to obtain a token - if needed for OAuth 2.0 authentication. NOTE: If used to access hosted services, the service(s) must be owned by the user accessing it, (with the exception of credit-based esri services, e.g. routing, geoenrichment, etc.)
- clientSecret: Used with clientId for OAuth authentication to obtain a token - if needed for OAuth 2.0 authentication.
- oauth2Endpoint: When using OAuth 2.0 authentication specify the portal specific OAuth 2.0 authentication endpoint. The default value is
- accessToken: OAuth2 access token to use instead of on-demand access-token generation using clientId & clientSecret. Only applies to DotNet proxy.
- rateLimit: The maximum number of requests with a particular referer over the specified rateLimitPeriod.
- rateLimitPeriod: The time period (in minutes) within which the specified number of requests (rate_limit) sent with a particular referer will be tracked. The default value is 60 (one hour).
- hostRedirect: The real URL to use instead of the "alias" one provided in the
property and that should be redirected. Example:<serverUrl url="http://fakedomain" hostRedirect=""/>
Note: Refresh the proxy application after updates to the proxy.config have been made.
Example of proxy using application credentials and limiting requests to 10/minute
<serverUrl url=""
Example of a tag for a resource which does not require authentication
<serverUrl url=""
- See the file in the folder of the proxy you want to install for platform specific requirements.
Copyright 2014-2021 Esri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's LICENSE file.