Releases: Konloch/bytecode-viewer
2.13.0 - 2024 Release (In-Dev)
This release is considered an in-development version:
- The CLI is currently in the middle of a rewrite, so it's not functional at this time (use v2.12).
- There are a lot of new features, and a lot of the codebase has been reworked. These features have been thoroughly tested, but there could be new bugs introduced with them.
Notable Changes
- Jump to Declaration - @Bl3nd
- Bytecode token highlighter - @Bl3nd
- Middle-click to close tabs - @Bl3nd
- Fix for issue #499 - @Bl3nd
- Middle-click to close tabs - @Bl3nd
- Implement Checkstyle - @Konloch / @ThexXTURBOXx
- Better Plugin Writing - @Konloch
- Partial Fix For Slow jFileChooser - @Konloch
- General Code Cleanup - @Konloch
- Dependency Updates - @ThexXTURBOXx / @Bl3nd
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch / @Bl3nd / @cloudchamb3r
If you encounter any issues, try an older version: v2.12, v2.11.2
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.12.0 - 2023 Release
Notable Changes
- Detect language from computer wide language settings - @Konloch
- New Window Theme Default: Dark Theme - @Konloch
- Add Auto Open Search Option - @Konloch
- Add Looping Search For Non-Exact - @Konloch
- Update dependencies again - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Update dependencies - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Add Popup Menu for close Tabs - @sinyear
- Update dependencies - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Add dex2jar exception handler - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Removed last version of dnd. Added dnd support from weisJ theme. Also⦠- @Bl3nd
- Fix many DnD errors related to #462 @ThexXTURBOXx
- Swap to SafeYAML - @Konloch
- Update HTTPRequest Library - @Konloch
- Fixed exception when clicking a class that's already open. - @Bl3nd
- Enabled tabs to be rearranged. Did not add functionality for a tab to⦠- @Bl3nd
- Update dependencies as of this commit date - @nick-botticelli
- Fix FernFlower "Rename ambiguous classes and class elements". - @Bl3nd
- Fix dex2jar issues - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Optimized resource tree building - @majonez
- Update dependencies @ThexXTURBOXx
- Malicious Code Scanner Fix - @Konloch
- Add ASMifier support - @nick-botticelli
- Change reference to -decompiler-list to -list - @nick-botticelli
- Replace icons with more modern svg variants - @weisJ
- Update dependencies - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Update darklaf to version 3.0.0 - @weisJ
- Fixed a lot of issues related to the GUI - @GraxCode
- Better looking tab close button. - @GraxCode
- Dex2Jar is now pulled from Maven Central - @ThexXTURBOXx
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch / @GraxCode / @weisJ / @nick-botticelli / @majonez / @Bl3nd / @sinyear
If you encounter any issues, try an older version: v2.11.2, v2.10.16
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.11.2 - Maintenance
Notable Changes
- Java 18/19 support - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Security Manager has been adjusted to work on Java 18+ - @ThexXTURBOXx
- ASM update for Java 19 support - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Added Croatian, Czech, Bulgarian, Danish and Serbian translations - @Konloch
- Fixed running precompiled plugins - @Lucaskyy
- CFR interface improvements - @GraxCode / @ThexXTURBOXx
- Procyon update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- FernFlower update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Jadx update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Dependency updates and fixes- @ThexXTURBOXx
- Bytecode Disassembler improvements & additions - @GraxCode
- General bug fixes and improvements - @Konloch / @ThexXTURBOXx / @GraxCode
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch / @GraxCode / @Lucaskyy
Issues Resolved
#396, #397, #402, #405, #410, #412
If you encounter any issues, try v2.11.1 or v2.10.16
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.11.1 - Bug Fixes
Notable Changes
- Sandbox has been removed, allowing for improved Mac and Unix compatibility - @Konloch
- Procyon update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Dex2Jar update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Dependency updates plus optimizations - @ThexXTURBOXx
- General bug fixes and improvements - @Konloch
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch
Issues Resolved
If you encounter any issues, try v2.10.16 or v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.11.0 - Security Update
Notable Changes
- Zip Slip exploit has been patched (CVE-2022-21675) - Thanks to @ready-research for reporting it! Thanks to @ThexXTURBOXx for patching it!
- FernFlower update - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Plugins template has been adjusted - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Dependency updates plus optimizations - @ThexXTURBOXx
- General bug fixes/improvements - @ThexXTURBOXx
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @sschr15 / @lujiefsi / @hajdam / @thomasleplus / @Konloch
Issues Resolved
If you encounter any issues, try v2.10.16 or v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.10.16 - Dex2Jar Fixes
Notable Changes
- Dex2Jar has been fixed, this should resolve opening APKs that would previously fail - @ThexXTURBOXx
- DarkLaf compatibility has been resolved - @weisJ
- Tabs have been introduced for windows that were previously individual panes - @Konloch
- The plugin console has been redesigned to support multiple resources in a single workspace - @Konloch
- Right-click context menus on the resource list, including quick-open and other useful commands - @Konloch
- Improved searching through the search pane - @Konloch
- BCV will now automatically import a resource instead of displaying the binary hex of known classfiles/archives - @Konloch
- Most file leaks should be fixed - @ThexXTURBOXx
- All of the dependency warnings should be resolved - @ThexXTURBOXx
- General bug fixes/UI improvements (Anti aliasing, etc) - @Konloch
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx @weisJ @Konloch
If you encounter any issues, try v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.10.15 - Bug Fixes
Notable Changes
- More translation support - @Konloch / @ThexXTURBOXx
- Limited GraalJS support (You will need to supply the Graal.JS dependencies - v2.11.0 will have full GraalJS support) - @Konloch
- Better Hex-Viewer Dark Mode - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Better zoom functionality - @ThexXTURBOXx
- WebP support - @ThexXTURBOXx
- Bug fixes - @ThexXTURBOXx
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch
If you encounter any issues, try v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.10.14 - Javap
Notable Changes
- Improved translations Thanks to @ThexXTURBOXx / @TechComet / @antonymcgreen / @liuxilu / @cn-fairy
- Added javap disassembler - @Konloch
- Automatic python path detection - @Konloch
- Improved plugin console - @Konloch
- Cleaned up settings dialogue - @Konloch
- Dynamic width Hex-Viewer - @Konloch
- Better resource handling - @Konloch
- Lots of code cleanup - @Konloch
- Patched a few Security Manager escapes - @Konloch
- Bug fixes and general improvements Thanks to @ThexXTURBOXx
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @TechComet / @antonymcgreen / @liuxilu / @cn-fairy / @Konloch
If you encounter any issues, try v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.10.13 - Multilingual
Notable Changes
- Translated Into 25 Languages Including: Arabic, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish - Thank you to everyone who helped provide translations! (Expect some translation issues, if you encounter any please help us fix them!) - DeepL / Google Translate / @Konloch / @ThexXTURBOXx
- Plugin Writer: Create and edit external plugins from within BCV - @Konloch
- Fixed Krakatau & Smali Disassembler/Assembler - @Konloch
- Fixed Java & Bytecode Editing/Compiling - @Konloch
- Lots of code cleanup - @Konloch
- Bug fixes and general improvements - @Konloch / @ThexXTURBOXx
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch
If you encounter any issues, try v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at
2.10.12 - Dark Mode
Notable Changes
- Dark mode (Opt-in) & theme selection thanks to @ThexXTURBOXx
- XAPK file support - @Konloch
- Translation process has started - @Konloch
- Javascript plugin support - @Konloch
- Bug fixes and general improvements - @Konloch
- And more! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this patch. @ThexXTURBOXx / @Konloch
If you encounter any issues, try v2.9.22
If you find any bugs just open up a GitHub issue or email me at