bytecode-viewer Public
A Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite (Decompiler, Editor, Debugger & More)
Jaxon Public
Native Java SDK built on top of SJC, compiling Java to native code without bytecode or virtual machines.
Class-File-Searcher Public
Dump Classfiles & Strings from arbitrary data
Antivirus Public
Work In Progress
Jackie Public
Rewrite of Chirs McKinstry's Jackie
C-Style-Python Public
Javaonic Python - similiar to bython
Yara-Antivirus Public
Dynamic file scanning powered by Yara
Traditional-Antivirus Public
File signature scanning antivirus
LWJGL-Audio-Example Public
Example LWJGL audio implementation with Sound Bank
Java MIT License UpdatedJun 25, 2024 -
Experimental-Antivirus Public
Attempts to trick malware using techniques from NavyTitanium/Fake-Sandbox-Artifacts
HeadlessIRC Public
Zero dependency pure Java library for implementing your own NIO IRC Client / Bot / Crawler / Logger.
Vortex-IO Public
Vortex IO is an easy-to-use high performance non-blocking zero dependency socket server API for Java.
EchoServer Public
Example implementation of a non-blocking RFC-862 compliant echo server.
HTTPdLib Public
A very small high performance non-blocking HTTP webserver library written in Java
InjectedCalculator Public
"Missing code, so it injects what its missing"
Malbolge.c4J Public
Malbolge '98 interpreter ported over to Java.
Gematria Public
Java library / CLI tool for calculating the Gematria value of strings.
TaskManager Public
TaskManager is an easy to use zero dependency task manager / task queue.
JVM-Sandbox Public
Utilize Java Agents and ASM to modify then override Java SE classes. (In this case blocking java.lang.Runtime.exec)
HTTPRequest Public
HTTPRequest is an easy-to-use zero dependency Java wrapper to read from a URL. Support for Cookies, proxies, UserAgent, post data and more.
DiskLib Public
DiskLib is an easy to use zero dependency Disk Writer & Disk Reader with built in GZIP support for Java.
OpenIRCd Public
OpenIRCd is an easy to use zero dependency non-blocking IRC daemon written in Java.
DSLBuilder Public
Zero dependency Java library for creating domain specific languages.
DynVarMap Public
DynVarMap is zero dependency easy and straight forward way to manage attribute-like runtime variables for Java.
ObfSRC Public
ObfSRC is an experimental way to obfuscate Java source code through unicode escaping.
FastStringUtils Public
FastStringUtils is an easy-to-use zero dependency collection of very fast String utility functions for Java.
ColorUtils Public
A small collection of utility functions to deal with coloring on Java.
Constants Public
Very small zero dependency Java library packed with constants.