Hi there, I'm Koushik Naskar

- Numerical Programming:
- C, C++, Fortran, Python (NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn etc.)
- Machine Learning & Data Science:
- Scikit-Learn, Pytorch, Neural Network, Deep learning, CNN, NLP, Predictive Analysis
- High Performance Computing:
- OpenMP, MPI, GPU (CUDA), Job Scheduler (PBS, Slurm)
- Full Stack Web development:
- Front-end: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React-Next JS
- Backend: NodeJS, Django, Flask
- Others: Dash-Plotly, Streamlit
- Cross Platform Software Development:
- Electron JS, Flutter
- Android & iOS App Development:
- Flutter
- Miscellaneous:
- Bash, SQL, Git, CI/CD, Cloud Deployment etc.
- Interactive Data Editor: A Software to interactively edit data in a graphical manner.
- Shared Expense Manager: An Android and iOS app for managing group shared expenses.
- TeleJobReminder: A Telegram bot that keeps track of your computer jobs.
- TeleSpy: Take Photo/Audio/Video from webcam by remotely controlling it using a Telegram bot.
- TelePriceTracker: A Telegram bot that keeps track of prices for your products.
- System-Status-Checker: A webserver built with Django to check system status of multiple PC/Workstation/Cluster in a single place.
- Open Image: A Chrome/Firefox extension to open product review images in full screen
- mfig: A tool for merging multiple figures into one
- kfutils: A tool for common data file operations.
- kbib: A tool to get bibtex entries from DOIs or PDFs.
- MinimalJournal: A Journal/Diary App/API based on Django & django-rest-framework.
- COVID19-Browser-Extension: A Chrome/Firefox extension to quickly track the latest statistics regarding the Coronavirus disease.
- Django-ToDo-App: A ToDo APP and API built with Django 3 and django-rest-framework.
- PESMan: A program to manage global Potential Energy Surface calculations.
- ADT-Program: A Generalized Algorithm/Program for Beyond Born-Oppenheimer Equations of βNβ Dimensional Sub-Hilbert Space.
- Web-Printer: Make printers without Ethernet or Wifi connection available on LAN.
- FunWithCanvas: Creative animation with HTML5 Canvas.
- BezierCurve: Visualizing BΓ©zier Curve using De Casteljau's algorithm of recursive linear interpolation
- Cubic-polynomial-property: A neat Cubic polynomial property with cool visualization.
- CheatSheets: A collection of random cheat sheets for a quick reference.
- Better-Linux: Commands, tools & know-how to work with Linux in a better way.
- Numerical Analysis Problems: Programming problems for numerical analysis course.
- FORTRAN-Topics: A collection of some Fortran codes.