Thank you for wanting to contribute to this project! Please read the guidelines outlined in this document before submitting any patches, bug reports or feature requests.
All contributors are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct. Please read and accept it before submitting any patches.
If you find a bug in the project, please open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Please include as much information as possible, including the version of the software you are using (ideally also the commit id), and any steps necessary to reproduce the bug. Our definition of a bug is anything that is not working as expected, including missing or incorrect documentation, and of course also accessibility issues. Please do not use the issue tracker for general support requests. If you are unsure if you have found a bug, please ask in the project's Discord server first. If you are not sure if the bug is a security vulnerability, please follow the instructions in the next section.
If you have encountered the bug as a user of a public instance of a11yBuddy, please talk to the administrators of that instance first. If they confirm that the bug is in the software itself, you can open an issue on the project's GitHub repository.
In the event that you have found a security vulnerability in a11yBuddy, please do not open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Instead, follow the instructions outlined in the file.
We always welcome feature requests! To request a new feature, open an issue on the project's GitHub repository. Please include as much information as possible, including a description of the feature, and why you think it would be useful. Please do not use the issue tracker for general support requests. If you are unsure if the feature is a good fit for the project, please ask in the project's Discord server first.
If you would like to submit a patch to the project, please open a pull request on the project's GitHub repository. Please include as much information as possible, including a description of the patch, and why you think it is necessary. If you are unsure if the patch is a good fit for the project, please ask in the project's Discord server before starting to develop it.
Please make sure that your patch adheres to the project's coding standards, namely that it follows PSR-12. You can use an auto-formatter in your IDE to achieve compliance.
We require that most methods and classes have proper type hints and PHPDoc comments. Unit tests for your patch are also very much appreciated, but not explicitly required.
By submitting a patch to this project, you agree to license your work under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.