Device: ICP-20100 by TDK-InvenSense
Interface: I2C
Library: C++ for Arduino
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ICP20100.h>
ICP20100 icp20100 = ICP20100();
void setup()
if (!icp20100.begin())
Serial.println("ICP20100 not detected or failed to initialize!");
while (1) { ;; }
// optional: configure non-default I2C address:
// icp20100.begin(0x64)
// optional: set measurement configuration / output data rate of MODE1, 2, 3 (default), or 4:
// icp20100.setMeasurementConfiguration(icp20100.Mode3);
// optional: set forced measurements to standby (default) or trigger (only in MODE4):
// icp20100.setForcedMeasurementTrigger(icp20100.Standby);
// optional: set standby/trigger or continuous (default) measurement mode
// icp20100.setMeasurementMode(icp20100.Continuous);
// optional: set power mode normal or active (default)
// icp20100.setPowerMode(icp20100.Active);
// when changing to MODE1, 2, or 3, wait for the FIR filter to produce valid measurement values
// icp20100.waitForFIRFilterWarmUp()
void loop()
delay(1000); // let the measurement samples accumulate in the sensor
uint8_t count;
float pressure_values[16]; // there are up to 16 samples to be read
float temperature_values[16]; // there are up to 16 samples to be read
if (!, pressure_values, temperature_values))
Serial.println("ICP20100: no samples available or read failure!");
if (count > 0)
Serial.printf("Received %d samples - most recent Pressure: %0.2f kPa, Temperature: %0.2f Celsius\n", count, pressure_values[count-1], temperature_values[count-1]);
This project is made available under the MIT License. For more details, see the LICENSE file in the repository.
This project was created by Thomas Kriechbaumer.