Downloads all photos from daycare entries and also preserves the date they were take in file date and exif data.
Go to the "Entries" tab for your child<child-id>/activities>
Open the browser and paste the following into the console
var rows = [...document.querySelectorAll("tbody tr")].map(row => { var date = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(2)").innerText var title = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(3)").innerText var link = row.querySelector("a[download]").href return {date,title,link} })
You'll have to do page navigation yourself for each tab and keep copy and pasting out the results. If someone wants to write the fetch in JS and submit a PR, totally fine, but this still should save a bunch of time.
Note: Scraping like this is brittle and subject to change over time
Copy the rows (in Chrome, you can use
) and paste into images.json -
Run the application