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Starred repositories
dylanpdx / BetterTwitFix
Forked from daisyUniverse/TwitFixFix Twitter video embeds in Discord (and Telegram!)
A humble blank slate for a modest JavaScript framework
cypress-io / sinon-chai
Forked from chaijs/sinon-chaiExtends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
**UNMAINTAINED** Software complexity analysis for JavaScript projects
vasturiano / d3-force-3d
Forked from d3/d3-forceForce-directed graph layout in 1D, 2D or 3D using velocity Verlet integration.
sitepoint-editors / ginit
Forked from lukaswhite/ginit"git init" on steroids
smart-on-fhir / client-js
Forked from jmandel/fhir-js-clientJavaScript client for FHIR
git-for-windows / git
Forked from git/gitA fork of Git containing Windows-specific patches.
cagov / actions-eleventy
Forked from TartanLlama/actions-eleventyGitHub Action for generating a static website with Eleventy
codeforbtv / green-up-app
Forked from MrsLSmith/Essex-STEMThe Official Mobile App for Green Up Day Vermont
jakefeasel / sqlfiddle3
Forked from zzzprojects/sqlfiddle3New version based on vert.x and docker
11ty plugin to generate a TOC from page content
krzysztofspilka / JSpreadsheets
Forked from netlify/staticgenJSpreadsheet - Best Data Grids and Spreadsheets for JavaScript, Angular, React and Vue.
bfritscher / carnac
Forked from Code52/carnacA utility to give some insight into how you use your keyboard
Cheatsheet for the JavaScript knowledge you will frequently encounter in modern projects.
Intro HTML + CSS Core/Generic version - Course materials and slides customized by GDI Boston
ianmartorell / meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-3
Forked from erobit/meteor-accounts-ui-bootstrap-dropdownaccounts-ui package with Bootstrap 3 and localization support
Jdhaimson / smilealways
Forked from k0nG/chrome_guardian_mobileChrome Extension to redirect www.amazon.com to smile.amazon.com
A polyfill combinator