A Python library for time series data preprocessing featuring advanced windowing strategies, normalization, and dataset splitting. Perfect for preparing time-dependent data for LSTM, Transformer, and other sequence models.
- β³ Temporal Windowing: Create overlapping/non-overlapping windows for RNN/LSTM/Transformer models
- π’ Smart Normalization: Min-Max & Z-score scaling with automatic denormalization
- βοΈ Dataset Splitting: Time-aware train/validation/test splits for temporal data
- π οΈ Production-Ready: Built-in data validation & modular pipeline architecture
- π End-to-End Workflow: From raw CSV to model-ready sequences in 5 lines of code
Perfect for: Weather forecasting, stock prediction, IoT sensor analysis, and any time-series forecasting tasks
Feature | Timemesh | TensorFlow Window | PyTorch DataLoader |
Built-in Normalization | β | β | β |
Time-aware Splitting | β | β | β |
Multi-Output Support | β | β | Limited |
Denormalization | β | β | β |
Data Validation | β | β | β |
loader = tm.DataLoader(
T=168, # 1 week of hourly data
H=24, # Predict next day's demand
ratio={'train': 70, 'test': 15, 'valid': 15}
pip install timemesh
import timemesh as tm
# Initialize data loader
loader = tm.DataLoader(
T=24, # Use 24 historical steps
H=6, # Predict 6 steps ahead
input_cols=["temperature", "humidity"],
norm="MM" # Min-Max normalization,
ratio={'train': 70, 'test': 15, 'valid': 15}
# Load and preprocess data
X, Y, input_params, output_params = loader.load_csv("data.csv")
Parameter | Description | Default | Options |
T | Historical time steps per sample | 1 | Any positive integer |
H | Prediction horizon steps | 1 | Any positive integer |
input_cols | Features used for model input | None(All will be input) | List of column names |
output_cols | Target features for prediction | None(All Will be output | List of column names |
norm | Normalization method | None (No Normalization) |
"MM" , "Z" |
steps | Step size between windows | None (Non overlapping) |
Any positive integer |
ratio | Train, Test and Validation Split | None (No Split Just get X and Y) |
Any positive integer |
Download Example dataset
wget https://github.com/L-A-Sandhu/TimeMesh/blob/main/examples/data.csv
# =================================================================
# Complete Functional Example Load , Normalize and Split data
# =================================================================
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
input_cols = [
"C_WD50M", "C_WS50M", "C_PS", "C_T2M", "C_QV2M",
"N_WD50M", "N_WS50M", "N_PS", "N_T2M", "N_QV2M",
"S_WD50M", "S_WS50M", "S_PS", "S_T2M", "S_QV2M",
"E_WD50M", "E_WS50M", "E_PS", "E_T2M", "E_QV2M",
"W_WD50M", "W_WS50M", "W_PS", "W_T2M", "W_QV2M",
"NE_WD50M", "NE_WS50M", "NE_PS", "NE_T2M", "NE_QV2M",
"NW_WD50M", "NW_WS50M", "NW_PS", "NW_T2M", "NW_QV2M",
"SE_WD50M", "SE_WS50M", "SE_PS", "SE_T2M", "SE_QV2M",
"SW_WD50M", "SW_WS50M", "SW_PS", "SW_T2M", "SW_QV2M"
output_cols = ["C_WS50M"]
print("\n--- Case 2: With Min-Max Normalization ---")
loader_norm = tm.DataLoader(T=24, H=6, input_cols=input_cols, output_cols=output_cols, norm="Z",step=12, ratio={'train': 70, 'test': 15, 'valid': 15})
X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, X_valid, Y_valid, input_params, output_params = loader_norm.load_csv("data.csv")
print("\nLoaded normalized data:")
print(f"Shape of X_train: {X_train.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_train: {Y_train.shape}")
print(f"Shape of X_test: {X_test.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_test: {Y_test.shape}")
print(f"Shape of X_valid: {X_valid.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_valid: {Y_valid.shape}")
import timemesh as tm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# =================================================================
# Load your data for verification
# =================================================================
df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
input_cols = ["C_WD50M", "C_WS50M", "C_PS", "C_T2M", "C_QV2M", "N_WD50M", "N_WS50M", "N_PS", "N_T2M", "N_QV2M"]
output_cols = ["C_WS50M", "N_WS50M", "S_WS50M", "E_WS50M", "W_WS50M"]
# =================================================================
# Case 1: Without Normalization (norm=None)
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Case 1: Without Normalization ---")
loader_raw = tm.DataLoader(T=24, H=6, input_cols=input_cols, output_cols=output_cols, norm=None)
X_raw, Y_raw = loader_raw.load_csv("data.csv")
print("\nLoaded raw data:")
print(f"Shape of X_raw: {X_raw.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_raw: {Y_raw.shape}")
print(f"First sample of X_raw:\n{X_raw[0]}")
print(f"First sample of Y_raw:\n{Y_raw[0]}")
# =================================================================
# Case 2: With Min-Max Normalization
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Case 2: With Min-Max Normalization ---")
loader_norm = tm.DataLoader(T=24, H=6, input_cols=input_cols, output_cols=output_cols, norm="MM")
X_norm, Y_norm, input_params, output_params = loader_norm.load_csv("data.csv")
print("\nLoaded normalized data:")
print(f"Shape of X_norm: {X_norm.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_norm: {Y_norm.shape}")
print(f"Normalization parameters (input):\n{input_params}")
print(f"Normalization parameters (output):\n{output_params}")
print(f"First sample of X_norm:\n{X_norm[0]}")
print(f"First sample of Y_norm:\n{Y_norm[0]}")
# =================================================================
# Denormalize the normalized data
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Denormalizing the normalized data ---")
X_denorm = tm.Normalizer.denormalize(
X_norm, params=input_params, method="MM", feature_order=input_cols # Must match original order
Y_denorm = tm.Normalizer.denormalize(Y_norm, params=output_params, method="MM", feature_order=output_cols)
print("\nDenormalized data:")
print(f"Shape of X_denorm: {X_denorm.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_denorm: {Y_denorm.shape}")
print(f"First sample of X_denorm:\n{X_denorm[0]}")
print(f"First sample of Y_denorm:\n{Y_denorm[0]}")
# =================================================================
# Verification Checks
# =================================================================
def verify_results():
print("\n--- Verification Results ---")
# Check 1: Raw vs Denormalized should match exactly
x_match = np.allclose(X_raw, X_denorm, atol=1e-4)
y_match = np.allclose(Y_raw, Y_denorm, atol=1e-4)
print(f"X Match (Raw vs Denorm): {x_match}")
print(f"Y Match (Raw vs Denorm): {y_match}")
# Check 2: Normalized vs Raw ranges
print("\nNormalization Ranges:")
print(f"X_norm range: [{X_norm.min():.2f}, {X_norm.max():.2f}]")
print(f"Y_norm range: [{Y_norm.min():.2f}, {Y_norm.max():.2f}]")
# Check 3: Sample value comparison
sample_idx = 0 # First sample
time_idx = 0 # First timestep
feature_idx = 1 # C_WS50M
print("\nSample Value Comparison:")
print(f"Original (Raw): {X_raw[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]:.2f}")
print(f"Denormalized: {X_denorm[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]:.2f}")
print(f"Normalized: {X_norm[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]:.2f}")
# =================================================================
# Case 3: Test with norm=None (No normalization, No Split)
# =================================================================
def test_no_normalization():
print("\n--- Case 3: Test with No Normalization ---")
loader = tm.DataLoader(T=24, H=6, input_cols=input_cols, output_cols=output_cols, norm=None)
X, Y = loader.load_csv("data.csv")
# Directly compare with raw data from CSV
expected_X = df[input_cols].values[:24] # First window
assert np.allclose(X[0], expected_X), "No normalization should return raw data"
print("\nTest Passed: No normalization returns raw data successfully.")
# =================================================================
# Case 4: With Z-Score Normalization
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Case 4: With Z-Score Normalization ---")
loader_z = tm.DataLoader(T=24, H=6, input_cols=input_cols, output_cols=output_cols, norm="Z") # Z-score normalization
X_norm_z, Y_norm_z, input_params_z, output_params_z = loader_z.load_csv("data.csv")
print("\nLoaded Z-normalized data:")
print(f"Shape of X_norm_z: {X_norm_z.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_norm_z: {Y_norm_z.shape}")
print(f"Z-score Normalization parameters (input):\n{input_params_z}")
print(f"Z-score Normalization parameters (output):\n{output_params_z}")
print(f"First sample of X_norm_z:\n{X_norm_z[0]}")
print(f"First sample of Y_norm_z:\n{Y_norm_z[0]}")
# =================================================================
# Denormalize the Z-normalized data
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Denormalizing the Z-normalized data ---")
X_denorm_z = tm.Normalizer.denormalize(X_norm_z, params=input_params_z, method="Z", feature_order=input_cols)
Y_denorm_z = tm.Normalizer.denormalize(Y_norm_z, params=output_params_z, method="Z", feature_order=output_cols)
print("\nDenormalized Z-data:")
print(f"Shape of X_denorm_z: {X_denorm_z.shape}")
print(f"Shape of Y_denorm_z: {Y_denorm_z.shape}")
print(f"First sample of X_denorm_z:\n{X_denorm_z[0]}")
print(f"First sample of Y_denorm_z:\n{Y_denorm_z[0]}")
# =================================================================
# Z-Score Specific Verification
# =================================================================
def verify_zscore_results():
print("\n--- Z-Score Specific Verification Results ---")
# 1. Check reconstruction accuracy
x_match = np.allclose(X_raw, X_denorm_z, atol=1e-4)
y_match = np.allclose(Y_raw, Y_denorm_z, atol=1e-4)
print(f"X Match (Raw vs Denorm-Z): {x_match}")
print(f"Y Match (Raw vs Denorm-Z): {y_match}")
# 2. Check Z-score properties
X_flat_z = X_norm_z.reshape(-1, len(input_cols))
print("\nZ-Score Statistics (Input Features):")
for i, col in enumerate(input_cols):
print(f" Mean β {X_flat_z[:, i].mean():.2f} (should be ~0)")
print(f" Std β {X_flat_z[:, i].std():.2f} (should be ~1)")
# 3. Sample value comparison
sample_idx = 0
time_idx = 0
feature_idx = 1 # C_WS50M
original_value = X_raw[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]
normalized_value = X_norm_z[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]
params = input_params_z[input_cols[feature_idx]]
print("\nSample Value Breakdown (C_WS50M):")
print(f"Original value: {original_value:.2f}")
print(f"Normalized: ({original_value:.2f} - {params['mean']:.2f}) / {params['std']:.2f} = {normalized_value:.2f}")
f"Denormalized: ({normalized_value:.2f} * {params['std']:.2f}) + {params['mean']:.2f} = {X_denorm_z[sample_idx, time_idx, feature_idx]:.2f}"
# =================================================================
# Summary
# =================================================================
print("\n--- Summary ---")
print("This script has successfully run the following cases:")
print("1. Loaded raw data without normalization.")
print("2. Loaded and normalized data with Min-Max normalization.")
print("3. Denormalized the data back to the raw scale.")
print("4. Verified that the denormalized data matches the original raw data.")
print("5. Tested the case with no normalization and compared the raw data.")
print("6. Loaded and verified Z-score normalization and denormalization.")