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Releases: Lailloken/Lailloken-UI

v1.57.2 BETA

04 Mar 10:03
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  • item-info: fixed an issue that led to certain implicit-types being listed twice

  • stash-ninja: fixed the bookmarking feature


  • renamed the gamescreen pixel-check to infopanel to be more intuitive

  • added an explanation to the infopanel pixel-check to explain what it does


  • removed the option hide in hideouts/towns and made it the default behavior

    • clone-frames will now also be hidden while you're in Kingsmarch
  • added customization options for automatic toggling: you can now choose to toggle clone-frames based on global (default) or custom rules

    image image
    • this is mainly for "power users" who want to use clone-frames in very specific ways

    • global: every clone-frame will toggle the same way, depending on what's on screen

    • custom: each clone-frame can toggle independently, depending on what's on screen


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.57.1 BETA (Hotfix 1)

22 Feb 10:09
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Hotfix 1

  • item-info: idols should now be fully supported

Initial Legacy of Phrecia Support

  • Stash-Ninja: added Phrecia and HC Phrecia to the league selection

  • Act-Tracker: added support for Phrecia PoB imports


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.57.0 BETA

19 Feb 10:19
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General: Multi-Threading Implementation

  • added experimental multi-threading support (tool runs on multiple CPU cores/threads)

  • this is enabled by default, but there is an automatic fall-back to regular single-threaded operation in case something fails when launching the tool

  • the general tab of the settings menu shows whether or not multi-threading is enabled


  • this experimental addition serves as groundwork for these (future) changes, among others:

    • increased performance of features/UIs running in the foreground (by moving background processes to a different thread)

    • enabling "performance profiles" and making features scalable across various hardware configurations

    • more advanced UIs that toggle/adapt automatically depending on what's on screen (by enabling more/faster screen-checks that run on a separate thread)

Clone-Frames: Inventory-Toggling, Performance Options

  • added an option to hide clone-frames when the inventory is open (requires the inventory pixel-check to be set up correctly)

    • mostly relevant for PoE2 (or players who play with the minimap in the corner) because that's when the gamescreen pixel-check doesn't exist/work
  • added options to select and monitor the performance/FPS for clone-frames (only available in multi-threaded mode)


    • this can be used if you prefer smoother animation, or if you need to save performance due to hardware constraints/problems

    • use the "measured FPS" panel to balance the number of clone-frames and their FPS to maintain stable performance


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.7 BETA

08 Feb 11:20
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  • enabled the campaign-timer for PoE2

  • fixed a bug where the timer couldn't be reset correctly

Basic Controller Support:

  • the omni-key can now be used in controller-mode to activate the context-menu and item-info tooltip

  • the general section of the settings menu now shows whether the game-client is running in controller-mode:

    • this should update automatically as you switch modes in game, so the tool should not need to be restarted in between


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.6 BETA

30 Jan 15:26
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Act-Tracker: PoE2 changes

  • tweaked the default guide a bit again

  • added a visual display for the difference between your and the zone's level (as a temporary solution until exp-formulas have been figured out)


    • it will be highlighted green between -2 and +2, orange between -3 and +3, and red for anything beyond
  • added PoB2 skilltree schematics and gem-information

    skilltree schematics gem-info overlay
    image image

Act-Tracker: PoB2 integrations

  • PoB data can be imported by clicking the import button in the act-tracker's settings menu after generating and copying the code in PoB2


  • if successful, a new button will appear for that guide-slot


    • long-click the button to view the imported data, long-right-click to delete the imported data

  • while the in-game skilltree is open, press TAB to overlay the schematics

    • hold right-click to drag the overlay, hold right- and left-click to drag the overlay and in-game skilltree

    • press Q and E to switch between trees, hold W to show an overview of the whole tree

    • press SPACE to move the yellow circle to your cursor's position and align it with the starting-point in game


    • hold 1, 2, 3, or 4 to overlay ascendancy-trees (number-key = number of trials)


  • while hovering over a gem in game, hold the omni-key to access the gem-info tooltip


    • the numbers in parentheses are the required gem-level
  • you can also use it on uncut gems, and it will show every gem of that type


  • you can omni-click uncut gems to copy a regex-string for every gem of that type into the clipboard

    image image

Item-Info: PoE2 unique drop-tiers


  • fixed an issue with delirious waystones, and added support for delirium mods


  • the tracker-panel now shows the map-tier on the left instead of the right, e.g. T15 Riverside (Boss) instead of Riverside (Boss) (15)


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.5 BETA

22 Jan 10:09
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  • PoE2 guide editor: added a quest and lore icon

  • PoE2 default guide:

    • fixed an error regarding a waypoint in act 3 Jungle Ruins / Venom crypts

    • added a portal-shortcut to act 3 Jiquani's Sanctum

    • tweaked wording a bit here and there

  • if you want to update it while already on a campaign-run:

    • go to the zone that the current guide is displaying

    • click edit on a guide-slot in the settings, then long-click load default guide in the top-right of the editor

    • your progress will be reset, long-click the > button on the guide-overlay to fast-forward to the current zone


  • added a PoE2-themed image for player-related map mods

FilterSpoon (still highly experimental)

  • compatibility fix for new FilterBlade/Neversink filters

  • fixed an oversight where global overrides weren't transferred when updating/changing the base loot-filter

  • added an option to global overrides to hide all support gems


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.4 (Hotfix 1) BETA

17 Jan 17:57
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Hotfix 1

  • Map-Tracker: added support for the 4 newly-added tower maps

  • tower maps (except lost towers) will now be tagged with (tower) at the end for easier filtering

Additional notes regarding Act-Tracker guides (previously missing from the original release notes):

  • the default guide is structured a bit differently compared to Exile-Leveling PoE1 guides

  • hints (indented lines) are no longer optional because they often contain important context/information

  • as with PoE1, each line represents one step/task that has to be done in a specific zone

    • however, some PoE2 hints may be two lines long, but that is usually apparent from context and line-breaks
  • for PoE2, there are a few lines that start with "Find X:" or "X Tasks:" which means there are multiple things that can be done simultaneously or in random order

    • it's important to do them all before proceeding to the next step/line


  • fixed an issue where the game-version was detected as PoE1 for users with a custom PoE2 install-path (reported in #494 and #498)

  • the tool now detects the client-language from the game's ini-file rather than its log-file contents (based on #496 and #326)

    • mostly relevant for PoE2, to avoid confusion about why language-detection is always displaying English
  • act-tracker: fixed an issue with page-hotkeys where both hotkeys would always activate next page

  • map-tracker (PoE1): fixed an issue with the Synthesis and Crucible Hideouts being tracked as maps (reported in #499)


  • PoE1: added trackable boss-fight: King in the Mists

  • PoE2: added trackable boss-fights: King in the Mists & Arbiter of Ash

  • PoE2: improved tracking for Vaults of Kamasa unique map

Act-Tracker: PoE2 Compatibility

  • the Act-Tracker is now usable with PoE2 (requested recently in #497)

    • there might be minor issues here and there because I rushed it a bit due to time constraints and the PoB2-launch coming up
  • a few features have been disabled but will probably be added in the future (e.g. timer, PoB imports)

  • instead of using Exile-Leveling, the Act-Tracker uses a default guide I created based on u/xebtria's reddit post

  • added a guide editor for PoE2 that can be used to tweak the default guide or create a brand new one and export/share it

    • in it's current state, it's more of a power-user feature because it lacks UX and the guide-format is wack (I didn't want to touch it because that would have bricked PoE1 functionality, something I don't have time to fix right now)

    • I implemented it to create the default guide but then made it a permanent feature because I would consider it "generally usable"

    • I will improve it over time and collect additional feedback


Act-Tracker: How to use it in PoE2

  • go to Act-Tracker in the settings menu and enable the feature

  • to load the default guide into a guide-slot, click an edit button

    • the guide editor will open and display blank tabs

    • long-click the load default guide button in the top-right corner

    • close the guide editor

  • click the book-icon on the main toolbar to activate the guide-overlay


Act-Tracker: How to use the guide editor

  • the guide editor is coded to also be usable while the game-client is in the background, so you can edit guides while using a browser, etc.

  • if you want to edit the default guide:

    • follow the steps outlined in the previous section, without closing the editor

    • click the book-icon on the main toolbar to activate the guide-overlay (it will serve as a preview-window)

    • click through the guide pages until you find something you want to edit

    • find the section in the editor (it has ;; comments to decode areaIDs), change the text, and click save changes

    • the guide-overlay should update with the changes you made

  • if you want to write a guide from scratch:

    • click the edit button on an empty guide slot

    • make sure the first act-tab is selected at the top

    • click clearfell encampment on the list to the right, then click save changes

    • open the settings menu again, and activate the guide-slot by clicking 1, 2, or 3

    • click the book-icon on the main toolbar to activate the guide-overlay (it will serve as a preview-window)

    • write your guide step by step, save the changes regularly, then check what it looks like on the guide-overlay

Act-Tracker: Guide Formatting

  • the overlay automatically segments guides into individual pages by parsing the text

  • dividers are placed if a line contains the following strings (i.e. that line will be the final one on the page):

    • enter XYZ, (img:portal) to, (img:waypoint) to

    • however, dividers are not placed if the line is preceded by (hint)_______, i.e. if it's an indented line with additional information


Small PoE2 QoL: Distilled Emotions & Runes/Soul-Cores

  • added wiki-links to the context-menu for socketable runes and soul-cores

  • holding the omni-key while hovering over distilled emotions will show a tooltip with all the emotions sorted by tier


FilterSpoon (still highly experimental):

  • fixed search accuracy

  • added more color customization

  • added global overrides to quickly toggle rules for larger item-groups:



  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.3 BETA

23 Dec 12:14
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Map-Tracker: Kill-Tracking Improvements

  • streamlined kill-tracking so the counter doesn't have to be refreshed as often:

    • unchanged: when entering the first map of the session, the usual reminder-tooltip will appear, asking you to press the omni-key

    • unchanged: when leaving a map, the panel will flash, asking you to click it

    • new: when entering the next map, the tracker will use the count from the end of the previous map to track kills in the new one

  • as long as you chain map-runs back to back, the kill-count won't have to be refreshed at the start of the map

    • as soon as you enter an area that's not a map/hideout/town, the count will reset and you'll be asked to press the omni-key the next time you enter a new map

Map-Tracker: PoE2 Improvements

  • added support for the Twisted Domain Breach boss-encounter

  • improved support for Citadel and unique maps

  • enabled the tag & rename boss maps setting: it applies to Citadels and the Xesht encounter

    • they will be logged as boss: xyz citadel and boss: xesht instead of xyz citadel (boss) and twisted domain (boss)

Item-Info: PoE2 Uniques

  • re-enabed the feature for unique items in PoE2 so that DPS values can be checked


  • when omni-clicking an incompatible map/waystone, the previously-loaded one will be removed from memory and the panel will be blank

  • this is mostly relevant for the map-tracker in order to prevent logging incorrect map-info data


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.2 BETA

17 Dec 15:18
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  • clone-frames: hide in towns/hideouts also toggled them in claimable hideouts on the atlas

General Changes

  • item-info settings: colors for (un)desired mods are no longer linked to specific tier/ilvl colors and instead have dedicated customization options:


Item-Info Tooltip: PoE 2 Compatibility

  • the feature is now compatible but rather limited due to how constrained clipboard copying is in PoE 2

  • as of now, the game won't copy advanced item information (when holding ALT), which means the following data is missing:

    • mod tiers, groups, and rolls

    • whether or not mods are hybrid mods

  • this means the item-info tooltip is limited to highlighting (un)desired mods and showing icons based on which group a mod roughly corresponds to:


Map-Info: Upcoming Resistance-Penalty Change

  • removed the resist penalty reminder (T6+ and T11+) from the panel in light of the upcoming patch

  • instead, the panel now shows the waystone drop chance:


Map-Tracker: PoE 2 Compatibility

  • the feature is now (more or less) fully compatible with PoE 2


  • loot-tracking and e-exp are disabled for now because of the aforementioned clipboard-copy issues and the formula being unknown

  • delirium and expedition can be tracked via in-game dialog, ritual via screen-checks by holding TAB for a short duration (while the reward window is open; requires additional setup)

Omni-Key Context Menu: PoE2DB links

  • added PoE2DB links to the context menu of supported item classes

  • if an item class has distinct attribute sub-classes, this link will automatically direct you to the correct page



  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)

v1.56.1 BETA

15 Dec 07:50
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General: Color Palette

  • added RGB sliders to the color palette, so color customization is more flexible now



  • now compatible with PoE2 (still highly experimental in general)

  • you can now change the background color underneath item labels (default: gray) by clicking the small rectangle in the top-right corner


  • added style customization for individual base types:


    • you can now click base types and change their appearance
  • style modifications will be highlighted in orange instead of teal:


    • right-click the label to toggle between hide/show, long-right-click to remove it

Map-Info Panel

  • now compatible with PoE2


  • slightly changed tiering/highlighting-behavior of mods:

    • instead of being tier 1 (white) by default, mods start out as tier 0 (white)

    • the default color for tier 1 is now green instead of white

    • this means mods you have never ranked before (or new mods after patches) will always be white, whereas ranked ones will be colored

  • resetting a mod to default (white) is now done by right-clicking it while hovering over it

  • added a "reset tiers" button to the settings menu to reset every single mod to default (white, not crossed out)


  • post general feedback, ideas, and opinions here

  • non-GitHub users: add me on Discord (lailloken)