Hi 👋🏼, I'm Lakshya Singh
A 21-year-old software developer from India, driven by a deep passion for technology and innovation. I specialize in exploring and applying various technology stacks to build sophisticated, effective solutions. With a strong interest in both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of software development, I am dedicated to continually expanding my expertise and contributing to impactful projects that advance technological progress.

- I am Lakshya, currently a Junior at PES University
- Pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering.
- My current focus is on DevOps and Cloud Development
- Proficient with Next.JS, and other JS frameworks listed below.
- I’m looking for help with Data Structures and Algorithms 😭
- Always eager to collaborate on development projects and share knowledge.
- Occasionaly I do participate in Hackathons
- Reach out to me @lakshyasinghwork@gmail.com
Checkout my Portfolio @ https://lakshyasinghgg.vercel.app
For more info visit portfolio.
JS Frameworks | |
Web Development | |
Design & UI | |
DataBase | |
Testing | |
Computer Vison | |
Languages | |
Data Engineering | |
DevOps | |
Development Tools | |
Tools | |
Cloud Services |
Know the whole story.....
So after completing Hacktoberfest2022, I claimed their REWARDS: PRIZE KIT and the dev.to $256 DEV Hacktoberfest Badge 2022, I became so enthusiastic that I didn't scroll down further on the Hacktoberfest website😭 where they had the "REWARDS: HOLOPIN BADGES" section. After 2 months I opened Holopin to glance at my badges and BOOM!! Devastated to find out that I did not have any Hacktoberfest Badges linked to my account. Hurriedly I rushed to the Hacktoberfest2022 Website to find that the section "REWARDS: HOLOPIN BADGES" was removed. However you can still visit my dev.to profile to find the Hacktoberfest token.Here are some 🦜 party parrots for you 😄: