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Create tilemaps in seconds!

This repository contains few projects that together make a fully functional solution for generating tilemaps alongside integration to the Bevy game engine.

Bevy rPack Documentation

A Bevy plugin with support for the rpack.json atlases.

More info available at crates/bevy_rpack.

Repository contains example how to use plugin in Bevy.

rPack CLI Documentation

Command line interface for generating tilemaps.

Build rpack tilemaps with ease

Usage: rpack_cli <COMMAND>

  generate              Generates a tilemap
  config-create         Creates a tilemap generation config
  generate-from-config  Generates a tilemap from config
  help                  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

  -V, --version
          Print version

Available at crates/rpack_cli.


Only with Cargo (Rust package manager) at the moment:

cargo install rpack_cli

rPack egui

A both desktop and web frontend for generating tilemaps. Just drag and drop images into the program and generate tilemaps.

To open it in browser click one of the icons below: Github Pages


Available at crates/rpack_egui.

Used formats

rpack tools provides and work with two json based files.

Atlas files

Tilemaps are using .rpack.json extension.


  • size: two element array- width and height of the tilemap
  • filename: string- path to the atlas image file, relative to the config file
  • frames: array- contain info about each frame in tilemap, contains key string field and frame field that is made up from fields:
    • h- image height
    • w- image width
    • x- x start pos of the image in the tilemap
    • y- y start pos of the image in the tilemap


  "filename": "tilemap.png",
  "frames": [
      "frame": {
        "h": 42,
        "w": 42,
        "x": 418,
        "y": 66
      "key": "tiles/ship/spaceBuilding_001"
      "frame": {
        "h": 44,
        "w": 34,
        "x": 2,
        "y": 2
      "key": "tiles/agents/spaceAstronauts_004"
  "size": [

Generation config files

Config files are using .rpack_gen.json extension.


  • output_path: string- path relative to the config, without extension, this is where tilemap image and .rpack.json config file are going to be saved
  • asset_patterns: array of strings- search patterns for images to be included, relative paths to the config
  • format: optional(defaults to Png), format of the tilemap image, currently supported values: Png, Dds
  • size: optional(defaults to 2048), size of the tilemap image
  • texture_padding: optional(defaults to 2), size of the padding between frames in pixel
  • border_padding: optional(defaults to 0), size of the padding on the outer edge of the packed image in pixel


  "asset_patterns": [
  "output_path": "assets/tilemap",
  "format": "Png",
  "size": 512,
  "texture_padding": 2,
  "border_padding": 2