CLI to interactively select and run package scripts using any package manager.
Step 1. Run the following command using npx from any directory.
npx package-scripts
Step 2. Follow the prompts to set up the command name and select your default package manager.
Step 3. Once the installation process is complete, add the following lines to your shell configuration file.
- For POSIX-compatible shells like bash or zsh
# ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
if test -d ~/.package-scripts/bin; then
export PATH=~/.package-scripts/bin:$PATH
- For PowerShell
# C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\profile.ps1
if (Test-Path -Path "$env:HOMEPATH\.package-scripts\bin") {
$env:Path = "$env:HOMEPATH\.package-scripts\bin;$env:Path"
💡 To get the path of your PowerShell configuration file, type
and tab through the available options to choose the necessary profile.
Step 4. Restart your shell. The command should now be available.
The installation process creates a ~/.package-scripts
directory where it installs the core library and creates a shell script that acts as the program's main entry point. The script's directory (bin
) is added to your PATH, making the script accessible from anywhere in your shell. By giving the script a name that you prefer (or sticking to the default), you control how to invoke the program.
You can rename the command later by providing the --rename
option with the new command name. If the name is not provided, you will be prompted to enter one.
scripts --rename <new-name>
📚 All following examples will assume the command name is
To interactively select and run a script in your current project, run the command you created during the installation. Calling without any arguments or options will display all scripts (except for lifecycle scripts). You can type in the selection menu to filter down your search.
For example:
"scripts": {
"prepack": "npm run build",
"build": "npm run compile",
"prebuild": "npm run ci && rimraf ./dist",
"ci": "npm run check-style && npm run check-build",
"check-style": "npm run format:check && npm run lint",
"check-build": "npm run compile -- --noEmit",
"format": "prettier --write \"*.{js,cjs,mjs,ts,cts,mts}\" \"{src,test}/**/*.ts\"",
"format:check": "prettier --check \"*.{js,cjs,mjs,ts,cts,mts}\" \"{src,test}/**/*.ts\"",
"lint": "eslint \"{src,test}/**/*.{js,ts}\"",
"lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
"style": "npm run format && npm run lint:fix",
"compile": "tsc -p tsconfig.json",
"prepare": "husky"
Supplying command arguments will filter the initial list of displayed scripts. However, you are not limited to the suggested list - you can still type in the prompt menu and select a different script.
For example:
scripts arg1 arg2 ...
There are cases when the CLI will run a matched script without displaying the selection prompt.
- When a single argument is provided that matches a script exactly even if there are other scripts containing that argument in their names.
- When a single script is matched based on the provided arguments.
💡 The
option can override this behavior and force the display of the selection menu.
For example:
"scripts": {
"build": "npm run compile",
"prebuild": "npm run ci && rimraf ./dist",
"check-build": "npm run compile -- --noEmit"
scripts build
👆 runs the
script (exact match)
scripts build check
👆 runs the
If there are multiple matched scripts, the --first
option can be used to run the first script without displaying the selection prompt.
For example:
"scripts": {
"check-style": "npm run format:check && npm run lint",
"check-build": "npm run compile -- --noEmit",
"format:check": "prettier --check \"*.{js,cjs,mjs,ts,cts,mts}\" \"{src,test}/**/*.ts\""
scripts check --first
👆 runs the
To pass arguments directly to the underlying script, provide them after the double-dash --
. All arguments passed after --
will be treated as pass-through arguments.
⚠️ If double-dash is not working in your shell, you can also use triple-dash---
For example:
"scripts": {
"hello": "echo hello"
scripts hello -- world
Passing arguments to the script also works with the selection prompt:
The CLI allows you to run scripts by using one of the following package managers:
- npm
- pnpm
- yarn
- bun
💡 Use the
option to view which package manager is currently being used.
To set the default package manager for all projects, provide the --default
option with a package manager name. If no name is provided, you will be prompted to select one.
For example:
scripts --default pnpm
Some projects include a packageManager
property in their package.json
. The CLI honors it and will run scripts using this property instead of your default package manager.
You can override this behavior by supplying the package manager that you want to use as a flag. It will be applied for the current script run only and not override the project's package manager completely.
For example, if the project defines that it uses yarn, you can run a script with pnpm as follows:
scripts --pnpm [SCRIPT]
💡 If there is no
property inpackage.json
, you can still use this pattern to override your default package manager.