Movie Recommendation System Based on Netfilx dataset (from Kaggle)
Importing Dataset:
- Reads the Netflix dataset from a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
Data Preprocessing:
- Rearranges columns for better readability.
- Drops rows with missing values in the 'description' column.
- Fills any remaining missing values in the 'description' column with an empty string.
Input and Output Setup:
- Defines the input features (
) as the first four columns and the output (y
) as the last two columns.
- Defines the input features (
Train-Test Split:
- Splits the data into training and testing sets using the
function fromsklearn.model_selection
- Splits the data into training and testing sets using the
Text Vectorization:
- Utilizes TF-IDF vectorization on movie descriptions using
- Utilizes TF-IDF vectorization on movie descriptions using
Cosine Similarity Calculation:
- Calculates the cosine similarity between movies based on their descriptions using
- Calculates the cosine similarity between movies based on their descriptions using
User Input:
- Takes user preferences for country, genre, and movie duration.
Recommendation System:
- Filters the dataset based on user preferences.
- If no exact matches are found, it recommends similar movies based on genre using cosine similarity.
- Outputs recommended movies along with brief descriptions.
Predication example:
Enter your preferred country: India Enter your preferred movie genre: TV shows Enter your preferred movie duration: seasons Enter your preferred release year: 2021 Recommended movies for Kota Factory:
- Little Things
- Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
- I Need Romance
- Feels Like Ishq
- Generation 56k
- Let's Eat
- Mad for Each Other
- Use For My Talent
- Club Friday The Series 8
- Beauty and the Bitches Recommended movies for The Big Day:
- Too Hot To Handle: Latino
- Too Hot to Handle: Brazil
- Too Hot to Handle
- The Wedding Coach
- Marriage or Mortgage
- Motel Makeover
- The Parisian Agency: Exclusive Properties
- Don't be the First one
- Ainori Love Wagon: Asian Journey
- Blown Away